Revered Magus Chapter 59 – Finessed

'Draconic eyes, Amaterasu…those are so overpowered, no wonder dragons are a feared race, coupling with the immense mana, the reverence that comes with the dragon's name is well deserved, thinking back on it, I have never seen Tiamat use either Amaterasu or Reality's Gate, I wonder why'.

"Is there some kind of requirement to use those skills?" Rio asked after listening to the long explanation.

"Naturally, you think these kinds of abilities are easy just because you are born a dragon, the requirement to achieve the state of being able to use the Amaterasu is well out of reach for any normal black dragon and only the highest of prodigies, even in my era could use it"

"What about Reality's Gate" Rio questioned further.

"Hmm, using reality gate is usually used by people with a certain mindset, to use Reality's Gate, you have to have your mind conditioned to fit the requirement in getting it" Kanur replied.

"So if…"

"Enough with the questions, I have answered you enough boy, unless your request is to continue asking questions, I suggest you make your request and be prepared to break the seal" Kanur interrupted Rio as his constant question make Kanur even more displeased.

"Okay, my request is knowledge of your era, I'll need all I can try to increase my lifespan when we break out of this seal" Rio stated his request simply.

A few seconds passed as if Kanur was thinking of it and he finally nodded his head in approval, instantly appearing in front of Rio, placing his index finger on Rio's forehead before he could even react and started sending a flush of information.

After about a minute the information flood stopped and Kanur removed his finger from Rio's forehead, leaving Rio in a dazed state, after about ten seconds, Kanur snapped his finger right in front of Rio's face, waking him up from his stupor.

"Alright, your request has been fulfilled, let's get the seal broken," he said as he turned back without waiting for Rio's reply.

However, he stopped when he heard some giggling from behind him, he turned around to see Rio trying to hold in his laughter, but ultimately failed as the giggles turn into an outburst of laughter.

"Sorry, it's just been a long time since I found something so funny," Rio said as he wiped the tears dropping from his eyes.

"What's so funny? Did you turn into an idiot after receiving the knowledge, or was something to your liking?" Kanur couldn't understand what had made Rio burst into such a burst of boisterous laughter.

"To think a 16-year-old kid managed to trick a 500,000-year-old monster".

As Kanur heard this he tilted his head in confusion

"Boy, speak clearly what do you mean?" Kanur said with an eyebrow lifted.

"Let me ask you a question, I don't think the seal will suck away a thousand years of my life, I think it will suck my lifespan dry and even then, you would still have to try to chip away for some time, tell me am I wrong?" Rio said with a smile on his face.

Kanur didn't say anything, but his silence was already confirmation of what Rio has suspected.

"Tell me, after the seal sucked my lifespan try, how many more years would you be trapped in the seal?" Rio asked with a smile still plastered on his face.

After a couple of seconds of silence, Kanur ultimately answered with a sigh, "After absorbing all your lifespan, I would be out in about 10,000 years, however, this doesn't change anything, there is no exit for you here, and if you don't want to break the seal…well, I should say deteriorate the seal now

If you don't want to deteriorate the seal now, I can simply take matters into my own hands, although the deterioration wouldn't be as potent due to you not embedding your darkness essence, I can always use your blood and life to deteriorate it, and trust me the process is more than painful enough, so which would you like, a painless or painful death" Kanur said as if he removed a mask and switched to a whole other person, this time with some unknown but terrifying aura surrounding him.

After a couple of seconds of silence and Rio pretending to ponder, Rio looked at Kanur with a smile and said "I choose option C…C YOU LATER"

'System…now!' Rio commanded internally.

Suddenly, a strange suction came from within Rio expanding to the outside creating a sort of vortex, and in an instant, Rio's consciousness disappeared from within the amulet and back into his body.

The next second Rio opened his eyes to a familiar scene, he surveyed the area to realize he was back in his room, he got up sluggishly and saw the amulet in his hands, vibrating as if Rio could feel whatever was inside was rampaging with anger, Rio instantly he put it into his spatial ring.

'That was lucky, I the system wasn't there to help me, I would've died one way or the other, I should've been more careful about something like that, I haven't even unlocked my consciousness yet, so my life could've been in his total control'.

"I'll think of what to do later with it, for now, I need to arrange the knowledge gotten from Kanur, after that I can go sleep on my comfy bed" Rio looked at the bed as if he wanted to just pounce on it and lay there.

However, he restrained himself and sat on the floor in a lotus position to arrange and go through the knowledge obtained.

"I guess it's true what they say, a crisis can also be turned into an opportunity," Rio thought as he was thinking about all the knowledge that he has obtained from the 500,000-year-old dragon, something like that was very sought after

It was already around midnight, and after 3 hours of sorting, Rio skipped the reviewing the knowledge and planned to do it tomorrow, he saw some knowledge about draconic tongue while arranging it, however, he was too exhausted to even pay attention at this point, he stood up and dived on his bed, instantly falling asleep.