Revered Magus Chapter 60 – Ancient Beings

Rio woke up after a long night of being exhausted, however when he woke up it was already afternoon, when Rio, his mind instantly went back to the previous night before and the newfound knowledge he had received.

Although he received a first-hand POV of Tiamat who was around 100,000 years old, Kanur had knowledge that Tiamat clearly didn't have, it was as if seeing the memory of a child, then receiving information from an adult, although he clearly didn't send his whole life in the stream of information, there seemed to be some information that piqued Rio's interest as he was sorting it out last night

as soon as he woke up, he sat in a lotus position, anticipating the gains he received. A couple of hours later, it became night, and an exhausted look could be shown on Rio's face

'This draconic tongue is so much different and more difficult than the one I learned by watching Tiamat' Rio thought as he looked as if he was catching his breath, for the past couple of hour Rio had only brushed through the surface of this so-called Ancient Draconic Tongue, one that contained more power and also consumed more power than Tiamat's Era of Draconic Tongue

Rio didn't understand why the Draconic tongue was so vastly different from the Ancient Draconic tongue and what the reason for the change was, however, he knew that he wouldn't be able to use such power at the level he was at now, maybe not anytime soon either

Rio wanted to go further in-depth into the knowledge but decided to wait until tomorrow, after all, the memory wasn't going anywhere, so Rio fell asleep in the same place he had been in the whole of today.

The next morning came and a repeat of what happened yesterday, however, he decided to look more into history rather than the Ancient Draconic tongue and there were some things that made his brows rise in interest

One of the key things that he found was the Blessed land of Altheim, 500,000 years ago seemed to be the peak of the city and was a place where all the Ancient Humans, Elves, and Dragons lived in bliss and harmony, there wasn't a ruler, it was more of an oligarchy where each race would pick a representative and rule the city, however, although it was called a city, it was more of a massive empire around 20 million km2

The information didn't show the downfall of Altheim so Kanur either didn't include it in the information or sealed it before seeing it

Rio remembered the city of Altheim that he wanted to go to but decided against due to his being weak thought of his new destination after deciding to leave this place, however, that wouldn't be anytime soon since Rio didn't feel safe enough to go there until he reached at least the Magus stage.

It was already known that reaching the Magus stage was a very difficult stage and most people didn't even dare to attempt breaking through to the stage, so the amount of Magus in the world, according to Rio's current information, was very low.

From the books Rio had read there were 6 Magus in the Santos Empire, the current King, General Grant, Duke Ashfield, Marquis Bennett, and the second prince seemed to be a half step into that realm but didn't know if that counted since no one is guaranteed a successful breakthrough

Breaking through the realm of a Magus had very harsh conditions that people couldn't overcome and when the morality rate increased more people decided that it was better to just stay in the Mage Master stage, after all, anyone within that stage would be treated very highly regardless, there was no need to risk their lives.

Rio was far from reaching the Magus realm; however, he wasn't someone who could stay satisfied with having stagnant cultivation for the rest of his life, his goal was the pinnacle of power

After around ten hours of searching the knowledge, Rio finally digested everything and he gained knowledge of the past that he was sure most people didn't know, probably anybody knew, and some skills that were incredible.

There was one that stuck out to Rio however he couldn't use it right now, it was called Dual Mind, a special skill of the Ancient Elves, this was a rune engraved into your consciousness, creating a duplicated consciousness, however, one needs to unlock the Psyche Meridian since one can't sense their consciousness without opening the Psyche Meridian, the Psyche Meridian opens on the 4th Stage of being a Mage Master

After Reviewing the information, he gathered Rio's mind lingered on the city of Altheim and wanted to make sure he could break through the Magus Realm as quickly as possible, his target was to break through in 5 years, he would be about 21 years old.

If anyone knew the thoughts going through Rio's head, they couldn't resist the temptation to scoff and tell him off for his arrogant and naïve thoughts.

It was around 5 pm, and Rio decided to go hunting, he reached the 1st Mage master realm so he could use flight to a certain extent and gained some equipment suitable for quick and efficient kills that could massively speed up the EXP he could farm.

Rio already modified the stealth robe, however, he could only increase its durability since he couldn't do too many changes to the runes on the robe, or else instability would be caused and the runes would either be less efficient or malfunction.

To be honest, he could already make runic weapons thanks to the experience from Tiamat, but he didn't have the resources at the time to make it, Rio bought it on a whim as he gathered a large number of spirit stones if he made one from scratch it would probably be more efficient and could probably put more runes on it

Rio put on the stealth robes made the preparations and got ready to set out

Rio left the academy and started flying above the forest looking for any demonic beast as it he could quickly kill it and move to the next target, if he could increase the efficiency of killing demonic beasts, he would have more EXP to transfer into his stats.