Revered Magus Chapter 132 - Meeting with Dexter

It's a world vastly different to us, it's much more in every aspect you can imagine, in size, population, and especially opportunities

I haven't heard of anything higher than a magus here, but there…it's possible that magus are probably even the bottom of the barrel"

'Bottom of the barrel, magus that rule the world, that can run an entire empire or organization, becoming so small?' Rio thought

"The thing about people is that some are satisfied where they are, some are even afraid of crossing the boundary of magus due to the high mortality rate, and prefer to be some rich noble under someone

But I can see that you're not like that, you wish to be atop everything, you don't wish to be bounded nor are you easily satisfied, this is what I'm proposing

The shard is merely one piece of the entire puzzle, we need the entire puzzle to enter the gate of ascension, by itself, it's useless