Revered Magus Chapter 133 - Tour

"It's been just over a year I presume, just like you, someone managed to obtain an opportunity and broke through, he also obtained one and joined our alliance" Rolo explained

'So not too long ago then, I'll check the effect of the pills, if they're as good as I think, I may trade the other shards, they are useless on their own after all' Rio thought

The two eventually got to Rio's accommodation and Rolo said some words to Rio before departing

Rio didn't need to do anything, Rolo said he just needed to walk through the door, the rest would take care of itself

Rio did as Rolo said and was welcomed to a new site, Rio wasn't expecting much, but this was really a grandeur scene

The door made it seem it would be a small space, but as if space was warped, Rio was welcomed to a spacious area, the ambiance was dark as if it was nighttime

There were various rooms for things like cultivating, bathing, cooking, exercise etc