Revered Magus Chapter 153 - Departure

Eventually, they got to the green space surrounded by trees away from sight, Keith got of Zeus and swept away a big patch of grass, took off the wooden board underneath that led to a deep hole

The whole was wide enough to fit in, but not wide enough to be comfortable

The main reason Keith told Rio about the mine was due to Rio's ability

It was impossible to go into an earth vein, you would be instantly ripped to shreds no matter how strong your body is

But if Rio could use his threads and collect the Energy crystals, that would be bliss

Rio was already aware of this from the talk in the hut, Rio sat on the ground and controlled his threads

Since Rio was expecting some pressure from the earth vein, he needed to concentrate on the threads

He needed to make continuous marks on the surrounding of the energy crystals until they fell of the wall and wrap them before it's swept by the flow of world energy