Revered Magus Chapter 154 - Mainland Guards

Even if you were a powerful force, dangers lurked in every corner of the savage woodlands

Keith controlled Zeus to move swiftly and silently, and Rio killed any beast that appeared around us

Rio killed beasts like snakes, birds, and even flies

This may have been seen as unnecessary, however, the most common causes of death are because of small creatures like these

The snakes could pour poison into your body causing you to seize, and leaving you defenseless, the birds could be reconnaissance for someone laying a trap and the flies could even pass diseases and toxins

It was better to safe than sorry, although these small beasts were giving Rio only 1 EXP each, they accumulated

Keith started to realize that he was seeing beasts more frequently, it hadn't even been an hour since they entered the forest, however, a boar twice the size of Zeus was blocking ahead of them