Revered Magus Chapter 155 - Luring the danger

After killing the two guards, if he couldn't kill the magus, it would be over for him, so this was indeed a risky move

He put strength in his leg and dashed passed the guards as quickly as possible, Rio knew the thinking speed of a magus, however, he also knew how uncreative they were

He knew that the first thing they would do would be put up a barrier and then proceed to attack

His sudden dash sent a wave of pain coursing through his body, but he gritted his teeth and continued his step

By the second step, the feeling not only intensified, but his thoughts became clouded, however, he continued

Before even reaching his third step, they realize something was wrong before Rio even landed on his fourth step, they quickly put up a shield

Too bad that the string was already within the shield before it was cast

Just like that, the four guards of the Central Plains died just like that