Revered Magus Chapter 180 - Imperial Banquet

Rio expected the capital to be less bustling after the competition, but from what he saw, it seemed more active

Rio didn't mind this as it didn't concern him, for the moment at least, for now, he needed to complete his breakthrough

Rio headed back to his room, luckily, Elena wasn't there

Rio sat on the floor in lotus position and as soon as he heard the system ring out, he absorbed the soul stone

This had five times the density of the soul gem, The golden raindrop gathered and condensed and slowly dropped onto the golden almost vivid statue

Rio could feel more energy from the drop, but he knew this wasn't enough, usually, it would take a whole year, if you went into closed cultivation, to manage to forcefully pull all five orbs within the body, from the absorption of soul energy to the repelling force of the orbs, if you didn't have the finance for it, it would take much longer