Revered Magus Chapter 181 - Emperor?

"Who are you?" Rio asked slowly and hesitantly as his fear slowly diminished

"The owner" he replied

"The owner?" Rio asked back to which the man simply nodded

Rio assumed when he meant owner, he assumed the owner of the central plain, so Rio immediately thought of the Emperor, however, he wasn't clear but he wasn't going to pry in case he got offended

"Obsidian" the man said a simple word that caught Rio's attention

Rio didn't say anything in case he offended such a person, he let him take his time, it was as if this person wasn't fond of speaking

All his words have been curt and short, however, incredibly clear and comprehensive

"You help me…I help you" the being spoke, instinctively, Rio knew he had two choices, however, it seemed that if Rio declined, he wouldn't mind

Rio nodded in agreement, at this gesture, the man appeared in front of Rio again, and with the same action, he gently placed his hand on Rio's cheek