Revered Magus Chapter 199 - One wish

"Bandit King?" Rio was baffled by the news Zeke told him about

Rio was currently in a brothel sipping some wine along with Zeke and Daniel, all enjoying the aesthetic beauty of the women

"Yeah, these guys are getting so damn annoying" Daniel said with his cheek flushed, it was clear he was quite drunk

"Due to the Bandit king being rampant, Daniel's family has suffered quite a bit" Zeke whispered to Rio, explaining why he was so annoyed

Rio recalled Daniel's family were wealthy merchants

"You said you were under the Sluvo family, are they doing something about this?" Rio sipped as he looked at a woman sensually brush past him, softly brushing her hand around his neck

"I overheard from my father and his friend that they were planning on carrying out some sort of subjugation" Daniel sighed

"Then why so glum? Wouldn't the situation be sorted soon?" Zeke asked