Revered Magus Chapter 200 - Disturbing Visitors

"Deal!" Adrian exclaimed making his intention of not backing out of this

Alvin didn't believe that such Vagrants could last long anyway, soon they'd be swept under the carpet, waiting to emerge some other day

Adrian already knew the secret behind the Bandit King, although bad for the central plains, he didn't want to get involved as it may change the future thus giving up his only advantage in this life

'Not time to be a bleeding heart, I have to ride the wave, I will get as many benefits' Adrian swallowed the guilt he felt in his heart

"How is the silk purchasing going?" Adrian asked

"I've already sent word, they're on route to their designated cities, I have already procured some silk and have stored them in a storage" Alvin reported

"Great" Adrian responded internally praising his efficiency

'Now, an important matter…my second rune' Adrian couldn't believe that he had unlocked a second rune, however, he was wondering what rune to get