Revered Magus Chapter 201 - Troublemakers

"Hey! Why are you explaining to him?!" Jake held the blue-haired boy's mouth stopping him from speaking any further while shyly looking at one girl in the group to see her expression

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like she had much reaction to what the blue-haired boy said causing the flustered Jake to calm down a bit

"Enough talking, do you dare to fight or not?" Jake asked directly

"I don't want to" Rio plainly said as he stepped back through the door gesturing the servant to close it

As the door was closing, Jake charged forward and stopped the gate from closing

"Do you not think it is rude to leave while in the middle of a conversation?" Jake said arrogantly

"Middle of the conversation? You asked whether I want to fight you or not, I said no, is there anything more?" Rio asked quizzically

"Jake don't be rude" Ryan wanted to stop this inappropriate behavior