Revered Magus Chapter 210 - The Zone

Such an action immediately made him settle himself and suppressed the heavy breathing his body wanted to do

His previous crouched state that looked like he wanted to imitate a prawn was now someone who stood straight and looked at the savant boy in arrogance

He couldn't have a close call win, he needed to deal with them entirely, showing no weaknesses

With his ears now blocked, he took confident strides toward Kior as if he knew he couldn't touch him

As Rio got closer, Kior savant played the melody more aggressively, letting the sounds slightly leak out from the barrier

However, Rio didn't seem affected at all, he decided to back up near the edge of the battleground and strummed much more aggressively, creating a huge ripple that spread out across the battleground

Rio, who had no place to go, faced the full brunt of the attack