Revered Magus Chapter 211 - Pseudo-Embodiment?

'I don't have space to breathe with these kunais flying around' Rio thought as he void-stepped once again

He once again void-stepped towards Ricky who seemed to be standing just like before, upright and confident

Rio once again appeared behind Ricky, entering his zone, however, this time he had placed multiple layers of defense

The officer that was enlightening the ignorant once clicked his teeth in disappointment before seeing the sword cleanly slash through all the defense made and making another gash mark on Rio's chest before Rio could completely void step away

"Haha, everyone we should call him the X-Man" Ricky laughed at the X-shaped mark he made on Rio's chest

"There's no use, these kunai are made from Blacksteel, even if you cast defense spells, they would shatter" Ricky chuckled

Rio got increasingly annoyed, with the two gashes on his chest that made an X constantly bleeding, he began getting exhausted