Revered Magus Chapter 223 - Team Dinner

Rio sighed internally and nodded at their invitation, instantly letting their expressions beam with delight

He already knew Kanur's word had some reason behind it, but going out and eating with people wasn't something he did

Rio thought he could even see a positive expression on Nightcrawler, but maybe it was his imagination

They all walked out of the CIB and started heading for the restaurant

"This restaurant is the best in the capital, you even have to make a reservation, even at that, it would be hard to secure a spot" Mariam who was standing to the right of Rio explained

"That's right, we did this all for our loving Vice leader" Kior who was on his left got oddly closer

"It's expensive, but we got Ri-" Mariam's voice was cut off as she felt a shiver go down her spine

Rio noticing her sudden quietness and the lack of presence on his right side, stopped and looked behind him to his right to see a disturbed expression on her face