Revered Magus Chapter 224 - Gathering

Alvin bowed, just when he was about to leave, Adrian stopped him and got a paper and a pen

He started to write another list of recipes with the title detailing "Energy Deprivation Gu"

Crystal Liquid Dusts of Resentful Wraiths Thousand Blooded Faced Mushroom Demonic Fish Blood Lake spirit essence Magma powder Complete Brain of Blackhorned Bettle

Adrian reviewed it once again and gave it to Alvin, Adrian transferred five million more crystals and Alvin left without hesitation

"I wonder if that old man's skills are the same, well it should be, around fifty years from now when I met him, there shouldn't be a gap in skill for someone already so old" Adrian mumbled hoping nothing went wrong

"It shouldn't be long, now I have the funds, it should help me find my nodes easier" Adrian mumbled as he was looking forward to his expedition