Chapter 202 Listen to me or to him?_1


"Blood pressure!"

In the emergency room, a group of doctors was gathering around the bed, performing resuscitation work methodically.

These doctors were the best surgeons and cardiologists from the hospital, assembled in the operating room to ensure that if any complications arose, the corresponding specialists could immediately carry out a rescue.

The lead doctor was Curtis Weiss, a renowned thoracic surgeon throughout Seashore, and he was also in charge of the resuscitation efforts tonight.

Curtis Weiss looked somewhat excited; he was well aware of the patient's identity.

Taylor Johnston, the head of the Johnston Family.

In Seashore, the Johnston Family was a top-tier wealthy family, not only prominent cultivators but also with members holding high positions in local politics and even the military.

If he could save Taylor Johnston, it would be a huge favor!