Chapter 203 Divine Skill_1

"Mr. Flores, is the resuscitation of my father very serious?"

Remy Johnston approached Carson Flores, her expression anxious as she asked. Despite her concern, her tone was very polite.

She had received a call from her bodyguard, had checked the surveillance in the underground parking lot, and confirmed that Carson Flores was a passerby trying to help, with no involvement in her father's collapse.

Now certain that Carson Flores was a good Samaritan helping her father, Remy Johnston's attitude toward him improved significantly.

Carson Flores smiled comfortingly, "I stimulated the heart with Silver Needles and sealed off the disruption of Qi and blood. There should be no problem with the surgery; you needn't worry."

Remy Johnston nodded and then asked, "My men reviewed the surveillance footage and saw Zara Stein bowing deeply to you. What was she doing?"