Chapter 204 I'll Repay This Favor_1


Curtis Weiss's heart turned ice cold.

If Carson Flores came in but was still unable to prevent Taylor Johnston's death, Curtis could find an excuse that it was Carson Flores's reckless use of the Silver Needles that aggravated Taylor's condition, leading to an unfortunate and irretrievable conclusion.

However, right in front of everyone, including Remy Johnston, Carson Flores had once again proved the miraculous power of his Silver Needles. That would put Curtis Weiss—who had removed Carson's Silver Needles—in a completely dire situation.

More of a hinderance than a help!

No more dreams of soaring to the skies or ascending to greatness, now he would be thankful if the Johnston Family didn't make trouble for him.

Facing Carson Flores's authoritative words, Curtis Weiss didn't dare to utter a word and obediently started the surgery.

The surrounding medical staff, witnessing this scene, looked at each other with shock that they could not hide.