Chapter 315 Others may fear you, Nash Acedvedo, but I don’t!_1


Carson Flores's body skidded along the ground, leaving two long trails behind him, his chest soaked red with blood, but his eyes shone even brighter.

Fighting spirit blazed like wildfire, engulfing him and deeply shaking everyone who witnessed the scene.

Was this truly an undying roach?

Growing stronger the more he fought?

Compared to the last time Carson was sent flying, this time, even though he was knocked back quite a distance, it was clear that he was stronger than before!

He was constantly getting stronger!

Nash Acedvedo's expression grew more solemn; he couldn't give Carson any more chances!

Carson's extreme resilience caused unease in Nash's heart.

If he kept improving at the rate he just had, a few more punches might leave Carson more injured, but his strength would also reach new heights, perhaps... enough to escape this place.