Chapter 316: If You Won't Give Me Justice, I'll Take It Myself!_1

Carson Flores became a Great Grandmaster?

Derek Eaton's words were like a shot of adrenaline injected straight into everyone's hearts.

Nash Acevedo, as a Great Grandmaster, was like a towering mountain that had always loomed over the heads of the members of the other families. They had always hoped someone from their own family would become a Great Grandmaster to counter Nash Acevedo but, unfortunately, none had.

If Carson Flores had become a Great Grandmaster, wouldn't that mean the current alliance could be taken a step further?

Although Carson Flores didn't belong to any of the families, if there were close ties, wouldn't that be equivalent to having a Great Grandmaster ally?

Through this event, the Martinez Family, Johnston Family, and Fitzgerald Family could collaborate on all sides with Carson Flores, since they had no significant conflicts of interest. Couldn't they form an alliance to oppose the pressing Acevedo Family?