Chapter 317: Dare to Mess with Me? Courting Death!_1

With things having reached this point, there was no further need for discussion.

No matter how the Miller Family viewed Shirley Miller, she did not care; all she wanted was to seek justice for her parents!

Castiel Martinez, Taylor Johnston, and Shiloh Fitzgerald exchanged glances before raising their hands simultaneously.

"Stick to the plan and act now!"

At the same time, Michael Roth, who had not truly distanced himself, returned to the battlefield with those fifteen experts. The sense of powerlessness they had felt facing the Great Grandmaster had frustrated them deeply. Now, as they unleashed their pent-up energy, their combat power was astonishing.

Knox Miller's eyes showed despair as he shouted loudly, "Mr. Nash, if you can't fulfill our earlier agreement, then I will ask for something else—take Oscar and leave!"

Nash Acedvedo nodded crisply, "Alright!"