Chapter 337: Double Despair Strike_1

Edgar Harrison drove back to the Harrison Family villa like lightning and just happened to see a black sedan parked in the yard as Aziel Burgess, carrying a rosewood medical box, got out of the car.

Ibrahim Harrison personally welcomed him at the door, eagerly ushering Aziel Burgess into the living room.

Edgar Harrison quickly parked the car and rushed into the villa full of anticipation.

It had been a long time since he felt such urgency.

If this Aziel Burgess could cure the defect in his Triple Yin Extinguishing Palm, he would leave overnight, not giving Carson Flores another chance to trouble him. As for his family, he could just pretend to be oblivious; after all, the operations of Er He Tang were independent, determined solely by his word and indeed separate from the family.

Once inside, a brief introduction was made, and Aziel Burgess began examining Edgar Harrison.

"Do you still remember where he hit you?"

Edgar Harrison nodded, "I remember."