Chapter 336 Who is fooling who?_1

Edgar Harrison slid into his car and looked back at the villa with a feeling of being trapped in a nightmare he couldn't wake from.

Why was he so unlucky?

Wasn't the old Acevedo family's grandmaster the only one in Seashore? Where did this one come from out of the blue, and why did he have to bump into him?

What now?

Struck by the Three Yin Soul Severing Hand, he could not escape unless someone cured him. It was said that those who suffered from the Three Yin Soul Severing Hand endure a fate worse than death.

Edgar Harrison hesitated for a moment, feeling the situation was too grave to handle alone, and directly called Family Head Ibrahim Harrison.

Edgar Harrison recounted the whole ordeal truthfully, finally asking, "What should I do now?"

Ibrahim Harrison was stunned by Edgar's words.

This guy doesn't cause trouble often, but when he does, it's a major disaster.

A great grandmaster under thirty years old?

Where did this monster come from?