Chapter 439 Can we not be so childish?_1

Atop the mountain peak, two figures were clashing with incredible speed.

Their speed was so fast that one could barely make out their silhouettes, only catching glimpses of their afterimages.


Following another fierce collision, both men stumbled backward.

Carson Flores braced himself on the ground with one hand and flipped backward to land steadily; he then wiped his mouth with his hand, which came away with fresh, red bloodstains.

Dax Vasquez wasn't faring much better; though he hadn't coughed up blood, his complexion was as red as blood, veins on his neck bulged, and he was gasping for breath as if he could hardly catch it.

Carson stood up straight and said coldly, "Your strength is indeed formidable, however, you're old!"

Shock and rage flashed through Dax Vasquez's eyes. He could never have imagined that Carson would be this strong!

This was outrageous!