Chapter 438: The Great Grandmaster of the Vasquez Family, Nothing Special! _1

East Spring Mountain is a sheer mountain.

On both the east and the west side, there are steep cliffs that rise over a thousand meters, while the southern face is a slope covered with woods. Only the northern side is relatively flat, with sparse trees and a winding path vaguely visible.

At 11 o'clock, a figure appeared on the northern side of East Spring Mountain, ascending along that winding path.

Dax Vasquez.

One of the nine Great Grandmasters of the Vasquez Family, who had fought to a mutual injury ten years ago. Since then, he secluded himself for cultivation and had not made a move.

Ten years ago, Dax Vasquez ranked fifth in strength among the nine Great Grandmasters of the Vasquez Family.

Unhurried, Dax Vasquez climbed the mountain and, before noon, finally reached the summit of East Spring Mountain.

Standing on the wide open space at the top, Dax Vasquez took out his phone and checked the time; it was nearly twelve o'clock.