Chapter 3 My Name is Xu Yourong_1


"Who are you?"

"What are you doing?"

The crowd was taken aback, as they bellowed in anger.

"I'm saving her!"

Ning Fan frowned, his right hand pressing on Miss Xu's left chest, while the stream of azure energy from within his dantian quickly surged to his palm and gently transferred into her.

"You... you're the one responsible for Miss Xu's car accident!"

The woman in black recognized Ning Fan and immediately became furious.

The emergency doctors recognized him too from his clothes, wasn't he the other casualty brought in with Miss Xu?

As both casualties had been brought in together, because the male casualty was only unconscious, with no other visible injuries, and Miss Xu's heartbeat had stopped, they had prioritized rescuing Miss Xu.

But now, this male casualty had woken up on his own, and even claimed to be able to save Miss Xu, who was pronounced dead?

How was that possible?

In the crowd's astonishment, Ning Fan's hand was already placed on Miss Xu's heart, the azure energy flowing into her, as his palm gently contracted then spread, pressed down, and then released, lifted, spread again, and compressed...

The unfamiliar soft touch swayed Ning Fan's heart, but he immediately came back to his senses; saving her was urgent, and he must not harbour any distracting thoughts!

Although Ning Fan's hand was over a layer of innerwear at Miss Xu's heart, to the onlookers, it looked excessively inappropriate!

"Bastard! Do you know what you're doing? You're taking advantage of the deceased!"

The emergency doctors were immediately enraged.

"Damn it! You dare to defile Miss Xu's body!"

The woman in black was even more furious, grabbing Ning Fan's shoulder and attempting to shove him to the ground.

She was Miss Xu's bodyguard, and at the time of the incident, she was driving in another car not far behind. Unable to protect Miss Xu was already a capital offence for her; if she allowed someone to defile Miss Xu's body, that would be an unforgivable sin!

However, even after trying twice to push Ning Fan, he didn't budge.

"I'll kill you!"

Just as the woman in black was about to smash her fist into Ning Fan's head in a rage, the heart monitor at the bedside suddenly beeped.


All eyes turned to it, and the woman in black's hand also stopped midair.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The next second, the heart monitor beeped continuously.

The graph representing the heartbeat was no longer a straight line, but began to fluctuate up and down.

"Miss Xu, she... she's alive!"

The leading middle-aged doctor exclaimed, as though he had seen a ghost.

Miss Xu on the hospital bed suddenly convulsed, then her chest began to rise and fall slowly as her breathing gradually recovered, and her complexion went from pale as paper to gradually regaining color.

Miss Xu, whose heart had stopped, was actually coming back to life!

All faces were filled with disbelief as they looked at Ning Fan.

They had even used the defibrillator, which did not restart Miss Xu's heartbeat; yet, this man had merely pressed a few times with his hand and revived her heart, bringing her back to life?

Could it be that his hands were more effective than a defibrillator?

"Where am I... who are you?"

Miss Xu regained consciousness, slowly opening her eyes to see a strange man standing in front of her, his hand still on her chest.


Miss Xu was both shocked and enraged, and with all her strength, she pushed against Ning Fan.

Thump thump thump!

Taken off guard, Ning Fan stumbled back several steps before slumping into a chair against the wall.

He had just received an inheritance and was not yet proficient at using the azure spiritual energy. He had nearly exhausted all his strength in the effort to save her, which was why he appeared so weak.


Ning Fan's face was exceedingly pale, so he simply sat in the chair to recover.

"Miss!" The woman in black rushed to her side.

The doctors also hurried forward, quickly examining Miss Xu's body.

Besides cardiac arrest, Miss Xu suffered no other injuries. Through the clamor of the crowd, she learned what had happened and looked at Ning Fan in astonishment, filled with both gratitude and fear.

At the same time, the thought of Ning Fan repeatedly pressing on her left chest made her face involuntarily flush.

"My name is Xu Yourong. I misunderstood you just now, and I sincerely apologize. I'm sorry! And thank you for saving my life. I will definitely repay you, whether it's money or any other condition or request. As long as I can do it, you can have it!"

Xu Yourong approached Ning Fan, extending her hand first to apologize, then to thank him.

Having the reputation of being River City's most beautiful woman, her recent brush with death added a flush to her complexion, exuding a strange charm.

Warm, gentle, alluring, it made one involuntarily want to draw closer.

Ning Fan looked up at Xu Yourong, instinctively attracted.

But he quickly regained his composure, stood up, and shook hands with Xu Yourong, "My name is Ning Fan, there's no need to say sorry, no need to thank me, and certainly no need for any repayment."

"You saved my life, how can I not thank you and repay you?" Xu Yourong shook her head.

"Really, it's unnecessary. If it weren't for me hitting your car, you wouldn't have had the accident. To tell the truth, I actually caused you to get hurt. So saving you is only right; if anything, I should be apologizing to you," Ning Fan said with a wry smile.

"No, we should separate the two issues. As the saying goes, 'A life-saving grace should be repaid with a lifelong commitment.' I will definitely repay you," Xu Yourong insisted.

But as soon as the words left her mouth, she realized they were somewhat inappropriate, and her cheeks blushed even more.

Fortunately, Ning Fan didn't take it to heart and waved it off, "Really, no need for any repayment. By the way, what I did was just to get your heartbeat back, but your congenital heart disease has not been cured. If this happens again, it could still be dangerous."

Recalling the medical skills passed down from his mother, Ning Fan discovered during the earlier treatment that Xu Yourong had a severe congenital heart disease, which is why the impact had caused her heart to stop beating.

"Then, can you cure my heart disease?" Xu Yourong asked instinctively.

She was very aware of her illness. To treat this congenital heart disease, she had sought out countless famous doctors and experts. But even the most authoritative heart disease specialists had only a 20% success rate for surgery.

The idea of surgery on her heart with only a 20% chance of success had always deterred her from taking the risk; she had suffered constantly, always facing the possibility of her heart stopping again.

Ning Fan furrowed his brow in thought for a moment, carefully pondering the inherited medical knowledge in his mind, then spoke, "It can be treated, but it would require acupuncture and some herbal medicine..."

"It can be treated? Just acupuncture and medicine? How confident are you of a cure?"

Xu Yourong's eyes lit up with deep anticipation.

"Uh, 80%, I guess," Ning Fan said.

In reality, he was at least 90% certain, but having only used the miraculous medical skills inherited from his mother once, he downplayed his confidence.

"What? 80%?!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Yourong exclaimed in disbelief, then suddenly grabbed Ning Fan, urgently saying, "Dr. Ning, let's go. What medicine do you need? Let's go buy the medicine now! Can you treat me right away?"

In her urgency, Xu Yourong's hand shook Ning Fan's arm, her feminine allure dispersing naturally, causing Ning Fan's heart to sway uncontrollably.

But he quickly shook his head, dismissing the distracting thoughts from his mind.

"Not now. Here's what we'll do, I'll write down the herbs you need, and you buy them. Find me tomorrow for the treatment," Ning Fan said.

After speaking, Ning Fan found paper and pen to write down the list of herbs for Xu Yourong.

Ring, ring, ring...

Suddenly, his cell phone's urgent ringtone sounded.

Once he answered, the voice of an anxious girl came through.

"Brother, hurry to Sister Pan Ting's house. Someone is trying to rape her, hurry..."

It was Ning Fan's sister, Lin Xiaoling's voice.

Before his mother disappeared, she had entrusted him to his foster mother, who had a daughter named Lin Xiaoling. They have grown up together since they were young.

Though not related by blood, their relationship was very close, even closer than that of siblings.

"You useless cripple, stupid woman, I was making love to Young Master Wang, get it? Idiot, what rape are you talking about?"

"Still calling your deadbeat brother? Hehe, don't mind me telling you, but your brother has already been hit and killed by a car!"

"If you don't get out of here, I'll also run you down!"

The voices of a man and a woman came through the phone – it was Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting!

"Ah! Help—"

The last thing heard on the phone was Lin Xiaoling's scream, followed by a click as the line went dead.


Ning Fan's face turned pale with rage, and, overcome with urgency, he turned and dashed out without a second thought.

"Hey! You haven't written down the prescription yet!" a doctor couldn't help but shout.