Chapter 4 I, Ning Fan, Won't Put Up With That_1

At this moment, Ning Fan had no mind to write any prescription; he hurriedly ran out of the hospital, his heart burning with anxiety.

"I bet this guy just got lucky earlier, randomly pressed a few points, and Miss Xu just happened to wake up. Now that he's asked to write a prescription, he can't come up with one, so he could only make a run for it."

"Exactly, and he acted as if he really had an emergency, he must be feeling guilty!"

"Miss Xu, I also think this guy isn't some miracle doctor, just a scammer. You should be careful and not get deceived!"

Seeing this, the other doctors shook their heads and spoke with skeptical tones.

"Xiao Li, come, let's go see—Mr. Ning seems to have run into some trouble."

Xu Yourong frowned deeply and, pulling her black-clad female bodyguard Xiao Li, was about to chase after Ning Fan.

"No, Miss Xu, for the sake of your health, you must undergo a comprehensive check-up right now!"

The leading middle-aged doctor stopped her, adamantly not allowing her to leave.

Having no other choice, Xu Yourong stayed behind and sent Xiao Li to follow Ning Fan, to see if there was anything she could help with.


"Yourong! Yourong! How are you? Is everything alright? I just heard about your car accident—I was scared to death!"

A few minutes later, Su Qingcheng arrived.

She nervously grabbed Xu Yourong's hand, examining her up and down carefully, and only when she was sure that there was nothing wrong did she breathe a sigh of relief.

Although one lived in Capital City and the other in River City, they were the best of girlfriends, the kind of close girlfriends.

"Qingcheng, I'm fine! How did you come to River City? Let me tell you, I can hardly believe what happened today. First, I hit a man with my car. Then I almost died, and in the end, I was saved by the man I hit. And that man said he was eighty percent sure he could cure the heart condition that has been tormenting me! I feel..."

Xu Yourong paused, her face showing a rare bashful expression, and said, "I feel like this man was sent to me by heaven itself."

"Oh? Yourong, with you looking like that, I feel like spring has arrived. Come on, tell me, this man heaven sent you, is he handsome? What's his name?"

Su Qingcheng asked, somewhat teasingly.

She knew her girlfriend very well. As the most beautiful woman of River City, irresistibly charming and the daughter of River City's number one Xu Family, she had never shown the slightest interest in any man.

Yet now, she was speaking of a man with such a coy face… She was indeed curious.

"Hee hee, he's not really that handsome type, I guess, but he's quite good-looking... Mm, his name is Ning Fan."

Xu Yourong reminisced.

"What? What did you say his name is?" Su Qingcheng exclaimed, thinking she had misheard.

"His name is Ning Fan. What's wrong?" Xu Yourong asked, perplexed.

"Ning Fan?"

Su Qingcheng's lips twitched, and her expression instantly became incredibly intriguing.

"What? Do you know him, Qingcheng?" Xu Yourong asked.

"Know... Uh, no, I don't know him. How could I?" Su Qingcheng shook her head in denial, her thoughts racing.

From the marriage proposal Ning Fan gave her earlier and Xu Yourong's reaction to Ning Fan now, Su Qingcheng deduced that Ning Fan's intended proposal recipient was not Xu Yourong, and the two must not know about the marriage arrangement between them!

Su Qingcheng discreetly touched the leather bag in her handbag that contained the nine marriage proposals.

If that was the case... for the happiness of her girlfriend, she could keep the marriage proposals to herself.

After all, that Ning Fan was neither worthy of her nor of her best friend Xu Yourong!

"It's a pity, Qingcheng. If you had come earlier, I could have introduced you. But no worries, I'm going to ask him to treat me again tomorrow, I will introduce you then."

Xu Yourong, not noticing anything unusual in Su Qingcheng, spoke with a smile.

"You're going to have him treat you again tomorrow? Can that Ning Fan really practice medicine? Yourong, I think, could you have been deceived by him..."

Su Qingcheng furrowed her brows. Before coming to break off the engagement with Ning Fan, she had checked his background—he was just an ordinary person from the very bottom of society, without any special skills or knowledge in medicine.

She was well aware of how severe Xu Yourong's congenital heart disease was. If Ning Fan claimed he could cure it, it was a hundred percent a lie!

She absolutely could not let Xu Yourong be fooled by Ning Fan!


On the other side, Ning Fan ran frantically toward Pan Ting's place.

The sight he saw from afar made his eyes nearly split with fury.

He saw his sister, Lin Xiaoling, whose legs were disabled, sitting in a wheelchair, blocking Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting's BMW. She was desperately pounding on the car window, crying out hoarsely, "What happened to my brother? What did you do to my brother? How dare you harm my brother! I want your lives in return!"

Wang Guanxi stuck his head out of the car and cursed, "You crazy woman, you dead cripple, how many times do I have to tell you? Your damned brother has been run over and killed. If you don't get lost, I'll send you to meet him too!"

Having said that, Wang Guanxi closed the car window, reversed the car for twenty or thirty meters, and then stepped on the gas pedal hard.


The BMW roared as it charged toward Lin Xiaoling.


With a dull crash, Lin Xiaoling and the wheelchair were sent flying before crashing heavily to the ground!


Ning Fan roared with grief and rage, dashing over recklessly and picking up Lin Xiaoling.

Fortunately, the wheelchair had offered some protection, and Lin Xiaoling was luckily not seriously injured.

"Brother! You're still alive? You're not hurt? That's great! That's so great! Wah!"

Seeing that Ning Fan was all right, Lin Xiaoling hugged him tightly and burst into a great sob.

"What the hell! Ning Fan? How are you not dead?"

"How is that possible? Falling from the fifth floor and then being hit by a car, and still jumping around alive?"

Inside the car, Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting were stunned at the sight of Ning Fan, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Wang Guanxi! Pan Ting! It's bad enough that you went after my life, but you even dared to go after my sister's life. Today, I'm going to kill you both!"

After setting Lin Xiaoling aside, Ning Fan, with eyes bloodshot, strode up to the BMW. He smashed the car window with a punch and grabbed Wang Guanxi from the driver's seat, dragging him out.

"Fuck! Ning Fan, have you taken drugs or what?" Wang Guanxi was stunned by Ning Fan's strength.

Ning Fan himself was also somewhat bewildered; his strength seemed to have suddenly grown much stronger, feeling as if he could kill a cow with a single punch.

Could it also be because of that inheritance?


Not dwelling on it too much, Ning Fan, with one hand clutching Wang Guanxi's collar and the other fist pounding on Wang Guanxi's face, shattered it into a bloody mess.

"Fuck! Ning Fan, you dare hit me?"

Wang Guanxi bore the pain while being shocked and furious.

"Why wouldn't I dare hit you? I am hitting you!"

Ning Fan roared, his fists repeatedly smashing into Wang Guanxi's face, quickly turning it into a bloody and bruised mess, as Wang Guanxi wailed in agony.

"You damn Ning Fan! I'll kill you!"

Pan Ting also screamed, taking out a wine bottle from the car and smashing it toward Ning Fan's head.


With a backhand slap, Ning Fan shattered the wine bottle, then reached out and grabbed Pan Ting by the throat.

"Ah! No, don't, you can't hit me! You can't hit women! Let go of me!"

Pan Ting's face instantly turned deathly pale as she screamed desperately.

"I can't hit you? I can't hit women?"

"You can cheat and betray me, you can attempt on my life, you can run over my sister, and I can't hit you? Just because you're a woman?"

"Well, I, Ning Fan, don't play by those rules!"

Ning Fan roared and delivered a heavy slap to Pan Ting's face.