Chapter 5 Fell For Ning Fan's Trick_1


Pan Ting's half of her face swelled from the slap as she stumbled and fell to the ground, screaming in terror, "Help! Someone's been beaten to death! Help! Someone, come! Call the police! Quickly, take him away!"

"Brother, stop it, don't beat him to death!"

Lin Xiaoling, who was lying on the ground next to them, feared that things would escalate and yelled in a panic.

Ning Fan didn't want to worry Lin Xiaoling, so he stopped.

"Wang Guanxi, Pan Ting, I'll let you off today, but our score isn't settled yet!"

Ning Fan suppressed his anger, threw out those words, then turned around and carried Lin Xiaoling away from there.

Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting sat on the ground, huddled together, and only after Ning Fan had walked far away did they stand up and curse loudly in the direction where Ning Fan had disappeared.

"Damn Ning Fan, I won't let you off!"

"I will make you kneel down and kowtow to me!"

Just as the two were cursing, Pan Ting's uncle Ma Fugui arrived. Seeing them in such a sorry state, he quickly asked what had happened.

After learning what transpired, Ma Fugui hurriedly said, "Guanxi, my nephew-in-law, leave this to me. I'll find someone to take care of that bastard Ning Fan for you! Don't worry about it!"

Ma Fugui had long been aware of Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting's illicit relationship, and with the Wang family's assets worth several hundred million, he had long wanted to ingratiate himself with Wang Guanxi, so how could he possibly help Ning Fan?


Walking on the road with Lin Xiaoling on his back, Ning Fan was slowly followed by a black sedan, which honked its horn.

Inside the car was Xu Yourong's bodyguard Qiu Li, who had witnessed everything from a distance.

"Miss Xu sent me to see if you need help. Where are you headed? Get in the car," Qiu Li said as she lowered the window, speaking to Ning Fan in a cold tone.

Ning Fan recognized Qiu Li but showed no intention of getting in the car, simply shaking his head and saying, "No need, thank you."


Qiu Li nodded, raised the car window, and with a press of the accelerator, the car sped away.


In the hospital, inside the special care ward.

Xu Yourong had just completed a full-body check-up. The results showed that the car accident hadn't inflicted any new injuries on her, but the heart disease she already had was still slowly deteriorating.

Once the doctors and nurses left, Su Qingcheng, wanting to relax her best friend, playfully reached out her hands toward Xu Yourong and chuckled, "Come on, Yourong, the doctors have finished examining you, and now it's my turn. Let's see if you really live up to your name ('Yourong' meaning 'having grace')."


The instant Su Qingcheng's hands touched her, Xu Yourong felt a tingling sensation as if she'd been electrified. She let out a soft cry, pushed Su Qingcheng away with one hand, and with the other, she shielded herself, giving her a disgruntled look, "You're such a tease, inspect yourself instead. Don't you know I'm especially sensitive here, I can't be touched…"


At this point, Xu Yourong suddenly froze.

Besides her heart disease, her body was somewhat peculiar in that certain areas were very sensitive, so much so that she barely touched them herself when showering…

But why didn't she feel anything unusual when Ning Fan was pressing and leaning on her to save her?

Could it be...

"Miss, I caught up with Ning Fan just now, and he…"

At this moment, the bodyguard Qiu Li returned, reporting everything she had witnessed and heard after catching up with Ning Fan.

"He really is full of flaws."

"Betrayed by an ex-girlfriend, lacks judgment, negative review!"

"Impulsive in the face of conflict, resorts to violence, even hitting women! Negative review!"

"Obviously needs help, yet too proud to accept it! Negative review of negative reviews!"

"This Ning Fan, he's either a fool, a brute, or just plain stupid! Of course, I believe, most likely, he's a scammer!"

After listening, Su Qingcheng concluded with disdain.

"I don't think so…"

Xu Yourong slightly shook her head, her thoughts seeming pensive.

"Being betrayed by an ex-girlfriend shows he is naive at heart."

"Going all out to protect his sister shows that he has love in his heart."

"Not letting malicious women manipulate him shows he has the courage and follows his own heart in doing things."

"As for not accepting help, if your attitude, Qiu Li, was fine when you offered it, it suggests he is self-respecting and strong-willed."

A smile appeared on Xu Yourong's face. From Qiu Li's description, she didn't see Ning Fan's flaws, but rather felt that he had even more strengths.

"Miss, you're being too biased for Ning Fan!" Qiu Li protested.

"Yourong, have you fallen under that Ning Fan's spell?" Su Qingcheng frowned as well.

Despite their protests, Xu Yourong smiled and said, "Regardless, just by saving my life without wanting anything in return, I think he's a good person."

"But don't you think that him not wanting your repayment might just be a way to gain your trust first, then to deceive you of more later on?" Su Qingcheng asked.

"You, don't see everyone in such a negative light. I trust my instincts," Xu Yourong said confidently with a laugh.

Su Qingcheng's frown deepened, but she also knew that since Xu Yourong had just been rescued by Ning Fan, she wouldn't listen to her.

But that was fine. As long as she stayed by Xu Yourong's side, even if Ning Fan were cunning, he would eventually show his true colors.

Su Qingcheng left soon after as she had other matters to attend to in River City.

"Miss, shall we go back now?" Qiu Li asked Xu Yourong for instructions.

"No, not going back. Go find out where Ning Fan lives; I want to see him right now," Xu Yourong instructed.

"Miss, you want to see Ning Fan?" Qiu Li was taken aback.

"Yes, he previously promised to write me a list of medicinal ingredients, and he hasn't given it to me yet," Xu Yourong said.

"Miss, I can go for you, you should rest first," Qiu Li suggested again.

"No, I'll go myself," Xu Yourong said.

Qiu Li wanted to say more, but Xu Yourong simply said with finality, "Hurry up and check. Oh, and also look into Ning Fan's ex-girlfriend; I'm curious to see what kind of person would betray Ning Fan."


Qiu Li dared not say more and could only agree to the task, but internally she was contemplating: she couldn't just watch her miss fall prey to Ning Fan.

She had to do something about it.