Chapter 6 I'll be your wife_1

"Brother, what on earth happened today? Why did Pan Ting say you were hit by a car? Weren't you and Pan Ting just fine yesterday? How did things suddenly turn out like this? And who was that woman who drove by just now? Who is this Miss Xu she mentioned? Brother, aren't you tired? Put me down and rest for a bit."

On the way back, Lin Xiaoling, sitting on Ning Fan's back, was filled with concern as she continuously asked.

Finding a row of stone benches by the roadside, Ning Fan let Ling'er down from his back and recounted the day's events.

"Ling'er, I only found out today that Pan Ting has been deceiving me all along. She's been having an affair with Wang Guanxi!"

"I was foolish before, continuously tricked by that despicable woman Pan Ting, but not anymore! I will make Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi, those adulterers, pay for this sooner or later!"

"As for Miss Xu, she is someone I happened to run into today..."

To avoid worrying Ling'er, Ning Fan didn't mention that he had been pushed off the fifth floor by Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting and then landed on Xu Yourong's car.

"Brother, don't be sad. That bad woman Pan Ting will get her comeuppance sooner or later; breaking up with you is her loss! Brother, don't worry about not finding a wife, if worse comes to worst, I can be your wife…"

Upon hearing about Ning Fan's betrayal by Pan Ting, Lin Xiaoling blurted out in anger.

"You silly girl, what are you talking about!"

Ning Fan immediately flicked her forehead, then crouched in front of her and lifted up one of her legs.

"Brother... is it because I'm crippled that you don't want me to be your wife..."

Lin Xiaoling's face darkened.

Her leg had been crippled half a year earlier in an accident that injured the nerves in her leg.

Ever since then, the blossoming Lin Xiaoling had been confined to a wheelchair.

"Ling'er, don't talk nonsense, don't think too much, brother is just checking to see if I can cure your leg."

As Ning Fan spoke, he had already mobilized that strand of Azure Spiritual Energy from his Dantian in his lower abdomen, swiftly moving it to his palm and then into Ling'er's injured leg.

Earlier at the hospital, when he first confirmed that the inheritance was real, the first thing he thought of was to cure Ling'er's leg.

"Brother, my leg can't be healed..."

Lin Xiaoling said, sounding heartbroken.

Over the past six months, Ning Fan had taken her to all the hospitals in River City, but all the doctors just shook their heads. The nerve damage in her leg was too severe; unless Hua Tuo was reborn, there was no chance of recovery.

"Don't lose hope; you have to trust me..."

Ning Fan didn't say any more, merely crouched in front of Lin Xiaoling and, with all his might, manipulated the Azure Spiritual Energy, applying the medical techniques from his inheritance, trying to reconnect the nerves in the injured leg...

Time passed, sweat beaded on Ning Fan's forehead, and his complexion grew paler and paler.

After all, he had only just acquired the inheritance, and to fully unleash the power of the Azure Spiritual Energy was still somewhat challenging.

"Brother, even if my leg could be healed, you don't know medical techniques. Please get up, the doctors have said..."

Lin Xiaoling was about to pull Ning Fan up, but suddenly her expression changed, and she couldn't help but exclaim, "Ah, it tickles!"

"You feel ticklish?"

Ning Fan suddenly looked up, ecstatically saying.

"Yes, yes... I feel, I feel... I have sensation in my leg! Brother, my leg has sensation! It itches!"

Lin Xiaoling was overwhelmed with joy and her speech was filled with stutters.

"That's great! Ling'er, it's working! That's wonderful!"

Ning Fan was thrilled and once again put all his effort into controlling the Azure Spiritual Energy.

Regrettably, there was not much progress after that, and Lin Xiaoling could only vaguely feel some itchiness in her leg.

"Ling'er, let's go. We'll buy some silver needles and medicinal herbs. I can cure your leg!"

Ning Fan was not disheartened. Among the medical knowledge his mother had passed on to him, many techniques required the use of silver needle acupuncture and herbal medicine. He was confident that he could heal Ling'er's leg.

After that, Ning Fan carried Lin Xiaoling on his back to the herbal market.

"Brother, when did you learn medicine?"

"Do you believe in me now? Ling'er, not only do I know medicine, but I will also learn many more things. Not only will I cure your leg, but I will also protect you for a lifetime! I want to make you happy forever!"

"Heehee, Brother, you're so good..."

"Of course."

The siblings were filled with joy and excitement along the way.

At the herbal market, Ning Fan bought the silver needles and herbs and then carried Lin Xiaoling back home.

He had wanted to buy the herbs that Xu Yourong needed as well, but the herbs weren't cheap, and he was short on cash. After purchasing what Lin Xiaoling needed, he had spent all his money.

However, when Ning Fan carried Lin Xiaoling back to their rented house, his expression drastically changed.

He saw a large crowd of people gathered at the door, all of them fierce-looking, tattooed muscle-bound men.

The door had been smashed open, and the windows were shattered. The furniture and other items inside the house were strewn all over the floor, a complete mess... as if the house had been ransacked.

"Who are you? Why did you barge into my house and cause such a mess!"

Ning Fan put down Lin Xiaoling and rushed forward, shouting angrily.

"Oh? Are you that kid named Ning Fan?"

Among the burly men, the leader was a bald man who walked up to Ning Fan with a sinister smile.

"I am Ning Fan, what do you want to do?" Ning Fan said angrily.

"I don't want to do anything in particular; someone just doesn't like the look of you and has paid me to teach you a lesson, preferably by breaking your legs," the bald man said with a cold laugh.

"Teach me a lesson just because they don't like me? Not only did you ransack my house, but you also want to break my legs? Do you really think you can do whatever you want?" Ning Fan said furiously, his tone turning icy.

"Heh, I'm not afraid to tell you, this Xiushui Street is my turf, Baldy Qiang's territory. Here, I really can do whatever I want!"

Baldy Qiang sneered and raised his hand, reaching for Ning Fan's collar.

His henchmen behind him also showed their ferocity, ready to strike.

"Baldy Qiang, I wasn't aware that a small fry like you dared to do whatever you want in River City?"

Just then, a woman's voice suddenly sounded from behind Ning Fan.

It was Xu Yourong, who quickly stepped forward.

"You dare to call me Baldy Qiang? Little girl, believe it or not, I'll kill you..."

The bald man's real name was Liu Qiang, and with the character 'Qiang' in his name combined with his bald head, what he hated most in his life was being called Baldy Qiang.

He was instantly enraged, pointing at Xu Yourong, ready to lash out.

But as soon as he clearly saw Xu Yourong's face, his own face went pale, his mouth shut instantly, and his hand stopped trembling in mid-air.


The next second, Xu Yourong walked up to Baldy Qiang and slapped him across the face without any reservation.

"What's the matter? Not only do you want to break my friend's legs, but you also dare to covet me? Do you really have a death wish?"

Xu Yourong's pretty face was cold, no longer as frail as she had been in the hospital but full of authority, assertiveness, and superiority.