Chapter 7: Ling'er's Guard_1

"Holy shit! Who's this chick, daring to hit Baldy Bro? Kneel down and beg for mercy from Baldy Bro right now!"

"Stupid woman, I think you're the one who doesn't want to live! I'm advising you to strip down right now, wash up, and properly apologize to Baldy Bro, or your whole family is going to be unlucky!"

The flunkies nearby saw Baldy get hit and rushed forward angrily, shouting obscenities and about to lay hands on Xu Yourong.

"Miss Xu, be careful!"

Ning Fan furrowed his brow and instinctively pulled Xu Yourong behind him.

This gesture warmed Xu Yourong's heart and she couldn't help but glance at Ning Fan, feeling touched.

She had thought that in front of these fierce and evil thugs, Ning Fan would be scared, but his first reaction was to protect her...

"Nobody move! Shut the hell up, all of you!"

Baldy's face turned pale with fright, he ignored the burning pain on his face, turned around, and roared at his flunkies.

Then he raised his hand and slapped the faces of the flunkies who were closest to him.

"Baldy Bro?"

A few flunkies, feeling wronged and puzzled, covered their faces, looking towards Baldy.

But, under the gaze of the flunkies, Baldy quickly turned back around and 'thump', knelt in front of Xu Yourong.

"Miss Xu, I'm sorry, I'm blind for not recognizing Miss Xu right away, please forgive me, Miss Xu, I deserve to die, I deserve to die..."

As Baldy spoke, he stretched out his hand and 'slap slap' forcefully hit his own face, filled with panic.

He was just a gang leader in River City, but Xu Yourong was the young mistress of the number one family in River City, the Xu Family.

If he really angered Miss Xu, she could obliterate him in a minute!

"The one you've offended isn't me, begging me is useless."

Xu Yourong said coldly.

Baldy wasn't dumb, he immediately turned to Ning Fan on his knees, pleading, "Mr. Ning, please forgive me, I truly didn't know you were Miss Xu's friend, if I had known earlier, even if I had a hundred guts I wouldn't dare do this to you..."

"Who sent you to teach me a lesson?"

Ning Fan just asked indifferently.

"Ma Fugui! It's Ma Fugui! That son of a bitch Ma Fugui paid me to cause you trouble..."

Baldy confessed immediately without an ounce of dignity.

Turns out, it was Baldy who had been sought out by Pan Ting's uncle, Ma Fugui, to deal with Ning Fan.

"Ma Fugui? Haha."

Upon hearing this, Ning Fan immediately understood.

"Mr. Ning, every debt has its debtor, and every wrong its doer. I didn't do it on purpose, I beg you to spare me..." Baldy pleaded again.

"Ning Fan, should I have Baldy Qiang capture that Ma Fugui and bring him over?" Xu Yourong said.

"No need."

Ning Fan shook his head.

He wasn't stupid; from Baldy's fear of Xu Yourong, he could guess that Xu Yourong's identity was no ordinary one.

But since Ma Fugui was Pan Ting's uncle, Ning Fan had scores to settle with Pan Ting, and he didn't want to resort to using others!

He wanted to solve it himself!

Xu Yourong seemed to understand Ning Fan's intentions and nodded silently to herself, her opinion of Ning Fan rising yet another notch. Then she said to Baldy, "Baldy Qiang, you're lucky, Mr. Ning doesn't want to bother with you. Get lost."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Mr. Ning, thank you, Miss Xu, I'm leaving right now, I'm leaving right now!"

Like a man pardoned from death, Baldy quickly scrambled up, nodded and bowed, then took his subordinates and fled in panic.

"Baldy Bro, is that woman really Miss Xu from the number one family in our River City?"

A few hundred meters out, the flunkies asked in terror.

"No shit! The illustrious Miss Xu, as if there would be anyone else daring to impersonate her?"

Filled with retrospect fear, Baldy paused and then bitingly said with anger, "Damn Ma Fugui, he almost got me killed! Come on, let's go find that bastard Ma Fugui and break his legs!"

Soon, Baldy Qiang had led his men to find Ma Fugui.

"Baldy Bro, how did it go? Did you break Ning Fan's legs?"

Ma Fugui immediately asked.

"Break your mom's legs! Ma, I'm going to break your legs!"

Baldy Qiang roared furiously, charging forward with his underlings and beating Ma Fugui savagely until he was rolling on the ground, wailing incessantly.

"Baldy Bro, why are you hitting me? I, I gave you money! You took the money and didn't do the job, but instead, you're hitting me—you're breaking the rules!" Ma Fugui cried out.

"With that little money, I'll give it back to you! Rules? If I don't break your legs today, that would be breaking the rules!"

Crack! Crack!

Baldy Qiang ruthlessly broke both of Ma Fugui's legs, causing comminuted fractures, before leaving.

Ma Fugui was left lying on the ground, dragging his broken legs, crying and howling, "Why? Why is this happening?"


"Ning Fan, thank you for protecting me just now."

After Baldy Qiang and his men had left, Xu Yourong immediately dropped her domineering, powerful, and icy demeanor, revealing a warm smile.

Miss Xu, don't say that. Actually, I should be thanking you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have had to deal with those guys myself today."

Ning Fan smiled wryly, shaking his head. Now that he had received his mother's legacy, his strength had greatly increased. Although he wasn't afraid to fight Baldy Qiang and his crew, he was still worried that Ling'er might get hurt if a fight broke out.

Afterward, Ning Fan went into the room to fetch a spare wheelchair and lifted Lin Xiaoling onto it.

"Ling'er, this is Miss Xu."

"Miss Xu, this is my sister, Lin Xiaoling."

Ning Fan introduced them.

"Little sister Ling'er, hello." Xu Yourong extended her hand.


But Lin Xiaoling didn't extend her hand. Instead, she spoke coldly and with a trace of wariness.

Because of Pan Ting's betrayal, she was now very wary of any woman who appeared by Ning Fan's side.

This Xu Yourong was so beautiful and her status was not ordinary, yet she was inexplicably nice to her brother; she must be up to no good!

"Miss Xu, are you here for the list of medicinal ingredients? Just wait a moment, I'll write it out for you right now."

Ning Fan felt awkward and guessed Xu Yourong's intention, so he quickly found some paper and pen, wrote down the list of medicinal ingredients needed for treating heart disease, and handed it to Xu Yourong.

Taking the list, Xu Yourong looked around the room, which had been wrecked by Baldy Qiang and his group, and couldn't help frowning. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Ning Fan, how about this—I'll give you an apartment. Let's call it a token of gratitude for saving my life today, okay?"

"No need, as I've said before, although I saved you, I also caused the injury. So we're even, there's really no need for any reward." Ning Fan once again shook his head in refusal.

"Well... alright then, I'll go buy the medicinal ingredients. Let's not miss each other tomorrow!"

Xu Yourong no longer insisted, nodded her head, gave Ning Fan a warm smile, and then turned to leave.

After Xu Yourong left, Ning Fan tidied up the apartment, then searched his inherited memories for a set of acupuncture called 'Thirteen Ghost Needles,' taking the time to closely comprehend and experience it...

When he was fully confident, he took out silver needles and applied them to Lin Xiaoling's legs.

The 'Thirteen Ghost Needles' were truly miraculous. After Ning Fan finished applying needles, Lin Xiaoling's legs immediately regained sensation.

Overwhelmed with excitement, Lin Xiaoling wanted to stand up right away, but Ning Fan asked her not to move rashly. He then followed the heritage method to concoct a jar of 'Bone Healing Ointment' and applied it to her legs.

"By tomorrow morning, your legs should be able to recover," Ning Fan said confidently.

"Brother, that's great! Once my legs recover, you won't have any reason not to take me as your wife anymore!" Lin Xiaoling said excitedly.

What she received in return was Ning Fan hitting her on the head, "Talk nonsense like that again, and watch how I deal with you!"

After being 'dealt with,' Lin Xiaoling dared not bring up the topic again, but her eyes shifted as she said, "Bro, is that Miss Xu from the number one Xu Family in River City?"

"It's possible, but I'm not exactly sure," Ning Fan replied, shaking his head.

"Brother, I think Miss Xu fancies you," Lin Xiaoling remarked once more.