Chapter 8 The Beautiful Rich Woman_1

"Ah?" Ning Fan was stunned.

"But you know, I guess she's just playing around. You better stay away from her in the future. Those wealthy women are no good. Isn't there a saying that the more beautiful and rich a woman is, the worse she is! Brother, you have to be careful!"

Lin Xiaoling spoke with full caution.

"You girl, where did you hear such nonsense?"

Ning Fan said with a wry smile.

Yet subconsciously, he compared Xu Yourong and Su Qingcheng, the two wealthy and beautiful women he met today.

Both could be considered high above, wealthy women, but the feeling they gave Ning Fan was worlds apart.

Su Qingcheng was aloof, cold, and arrogant. Although stunningly beautiful, she was like an ice sculpture, commanding respect but keeping others at a distance.

Xu Yourong, too, was of extraordinary status and equally breathtakingly charming, but she exuded a warmth and comfort that made one irresistibly want to draw closer.

"Hmph, Brother, don't tell me you're really smitten with Miss Xu?" Lin Xiaoling pouted unhappily.

"How could that be."

Ning Fan shook his head. Although Xu Yourong had left a good impression, he had just experienced Pan Ting's betrayal and was not in the mood for such thoughts.

Moreover, Ning Fan was no longer as naive as before, no longer believing that there could be a love in the world that transcended material wealth and money...

Whether it was Xu Yourong or Su Qingcheng, their material conditions and social status far surpassed that of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan knew that what he ought to do now was not indulge in these unrealistic fantasies, but rather to quickly master the magical inheritance left by his mother!

Only by fully mastering his mother's legacy could he truly become extraordinary!

Only then could he look an heiress like Xu Yourong in the eye!

And the evil betrayal by Pan Ting, the insult and schemes of Wang Guanxi, the disdain and scorn of Su Qingcheng...

One day, he would make them all regret it!


Late at night, Ning Fan sat alone in his room, cross-legged, facing the heavens, and began practicing the cultivation technique outlined in his inheritance.

The cultivation technique he practiced was called the Three Clears Qi Technique, which is divided into many realms, with the first major realm being the Qi Cultivation Realm.

One needs to absorb the spiritual energy from the air and refine a wisp of azure spiritual energy within the body to be considered to have reached the first level of Qi Cultivation and stepped into the threshold of cultivation.

Although Ning Fan's dantian had already contained a trace of azure spiritual energy, it was left by his mother and not something he had refined himself; therefore, he was not yet considered to have entered the gate of cultivation.

Concentrate the mind, calm the breath...

The five Qi facing the origin...

Ning Fan struggled through the night, and it wasn't until the early morning that he slowly opened his eyes.

"It seems that cultivation is indeed not so easy."

Ning Fan shook his head in disappointment.

Despite his efforts throughout the night, he had not been able to refine his own spiritual energy and had not stepped into the first level of Qi Cultivation.

The reason should be that the spiritual energy in the air was too sparse.

Where would there be a place with richer spiritual energy?


As Ning Fan was deeply contemplating, a scream suddenly came from the room next door.

"Ling'er! What's wrong?"

Ning Fan immediately panicked, jumped out of bed, and rushed out the door.

No sooner had he opened the door than Lin Xiaoling, in her pajamas, flung herself at him, jumping straight onto Ning Fan, clutching his neck tightly and excitedly shouting, "Brother! Brother! My legs are healed! My legs are completely healed!"

After saying that, she jumped off Ning Fan and hopped several times on the spot.

"It's really healed!"

Filled with surprise and excitement, Ning Fan examined her and was genuinely happy for Lin Xiaoling.

The "Thirteen Ghost Needles" and "Bone Healing Ointment" truly worked!

He gained a new appreciation for the miraculous extent of his mother's inheritance.

All the doctors in River City couldn't heal Lin Xiaoling's leg, but following the medical practices from his heritage, he had managed to do so in just one night!

This was simply unimaginable!

Knock knock knock!

As the siblings were excitedly discussing, a knocking sound came from outside.

Upon opening the door, a woman dressed in black stood there—it was Xu Yourong's female bodyguard, Qiu Li.

"Mr. Ning, my miss has sent me to fetch you to treat an illness," Qiu Li said with an icy countenance.

"Okay, I'll get ready and leave," Ning Fan nodded.

After curing Lin Xiaoling's leg, he had grown even more confident in his medical skills. He packed up his silver needles, gave Lin Xiaoling some instructions, and then followed Qiu Li out to the car.

The car slowly started.

"Wasn't your sister in a wheelchair just yesterday? How come, after just one night, her leg is cured? Don't tell me you healed her."

"Or is it that I came too early, and your sister hadn't had the chance to sit in her wheelchair?"

"It couldn't be that she was just pretending to have a leg problem yesterday, could it?" Qiu Li held the steering wheel with both hands, her voice thick with intentional sarcasm.

She had seen Lin Xiaoling in a wheelchair yesterday, but had just seen Lin Xiaoling standing at the doorway like a normal person, so naturally, she suspected that Ning Fan and Lin Xiaoling were a pair of con artist siblings.

"My sister's leg was injured and she couldn't stand, but I healed her last night," Ning Fan replied dignifiedly, picking up on Qiu Li's sarcasm.

"Is that so? Your medical skills must be truly miraculous, though I'm not sure if they're genuinely miraculous or just seemingly so," Qiu Li sneered.

"How can you see whether it's truly miraculous when your eyes are filled with prejudice?" Ning Fan held his temper and responded.

He knew that because of the incident where Xu Yourong was injured in the car accident he had caused, Qiu Li was quite biased against him.

But he didn't care.

Prejudice is a great mountain in the hearts of people; he didn't intend to be the foolish old man who tried to move it.

Whether intentional or not, Qiu Li drove very slowly. Although it was not a long distance, she took over an hour to reach the top of a mountain in the outskirts where a villa was situated and parked there.

This mountaintop villa was the home of Xu Yourong.

As soon as he got out of the car, Ning Fan noticed that the spiritual energy on this mountain top was much denser than at his rented place, not even in the same league.

He couldn't help but have his eyes light up, revealing an envious expression.

In the eyes of Qiu Li, however, Ning Fan's reaction had a different meaning; she thought Ning Fan was dazzled by the luxury of the mountaintop villa.

This only increased her disdain for Ning Fan.

"Just wait on the first floor. My miss is on the second floor receiving treatment from Old Doctor He, the divine physician. You don't need to go up," Qiu Li said with a chill as she led Ning Fan into the villa.

"What do you mean?" Ning Fan was taken aback.

"It means that someone has already sought out a famous physician from Capital City for my miss, the divine physician Old He, so there's no need for your medical services for her illness. Of course, if you truly want to witness real medical skills, you can go up and have a look," Qiu Li said with a cold laugh.

"Alright, I'll go up and take a look," Ning Fan nodded, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Xu Yourong's congenital heart condition, as far as he knew, could only be cured with the Thirteen Ghost Needles in combination with some herbs.

Could it be that besides his mother's legacy, someone else in the world knew the Thirteen Ghost Needles?

Soon, Ning Fan went up to the second floor and looked into the room.

He saw Xu Yourong lying on the bed with closed eyes, with a stick of anesthetic incense lit beside her to put her into a deep sleep, complementing the treatment.

An old man with white hair was standing beside the bed, administering acupuncture to the sleeping Xu Yourong.

Another woman was also standing beside the bed—unexpectedly, it was Su Qingcheng, the woman who had come to Ning Fan to call off the engagement the day before!

Su Qingcheng?

Why was she here?

Ning Fan was immediately filled with suspicion.