Chapter 9 Does He Really Know Medicine?_1

It turned out that Su Qingcheng had ordered Qiu Li in secret that morning to deliberately delay Ning Fan on his way here, all while keeping Xu Yourong in the dark.

Su Qingcheng herself had brought a famous doctor from the Capital City, He Wushang, to treat Xu Yourong in advance, not giving Ning Fan a chance to deceive anyone!

"Miss Su can rest assured, although Miss Xu's congenital heart disease is tricky, I have been concentrating on the Thirteen Ghost Needles for decades. With the application of this acupuncture technique, Miss Xu's illness won't be cured immediately, but at the very least, she can be worry-free for ten years!"

In the room, after Dr. He finished speaking, he lifted his hands to pick up one silver needle after another, continuously inserting them into the acupoints on Xu Yourong's body.

Ning Fan had only watched a few needles when he immediately furrowed his brows, quickly stepped into the room, and loudly interjected, "Hold on, there is something wrong with your acupuncture technique. If you keep going, Miss Xu will be in danger."

"Who are you?"

He Wushang paused his needling, frowning at Ning Fan with displeasure and said, "Even in the Capital City, no one dares to question my acupuncture technique. And yet, in this small place of River City, someone dares to say there's something wrong with my technique?"

"Dr. He, please don't stoop to his level. He doesn't understand medicine; he is just pretending," Su Qingcheng said, her expression changing, worried that He Wushang would not treat Xu Yourong. She quickly said to Qiu Li, "Qiu Li, take him downstairs, don't let him disturb Dr. He."

The moment Qiu Li stepped forward to forcibly push Ning Fan down the stairs, she found, just like the previous day at the hospital, that she couldn't budge Ning Fan at all.

"Forget it, don't chase him away. Let him stay here and watch how I cure Miss Xu; it will be an eye-opener for him," Dr. He said with a cold laugh, stopping Qiu Li, and said haughtily.

After finishing his statement, he refocused his mind, picked up another silver needle, and carefully aimed for another acupoint on Xu Yourong's body.

After a few more slow needles, He Wushang finished the treatment, extinguished the anesthetic incense by the bedside, and said lightly, "Alright, I have finished applying the needles. Miss Xu will wake up soon. After she wakes up, the illness won't recur for ten years."

Then, he gave Ning Fan a haughty look, unapologetically and coldly said, "Young man, didn't you just say there was a problem with my needling? Now you can elaborate. What exactly is the problem with my Thirteen Ghost Needles technique, which brings the dead back to life and regenerates broken bones?"

Ning Fan was just about to speak with his brow tightly furrowed.


At that moment, Xu Yourong on the bed moaned, slowly opening her eyes, waking up.

"My heart... suddenly feels so light... The uncomfortable and painful sensation I had before... it's all gone..."

As Xu Yourong carefully savored the sensation, her face lit up with surprise. But when she saw Ning Fan, her eyes brightened, "Ning Fan? Was it you who cured me?"

"Yourong, it wasn't him who cured you. It was Dr. He who cured you! This Ning Fan? Not only did he not treat you, he even disturbed Dr. He, which nearly affected Dr. He's treatment!"

Su Qingcheng immediately added from the side.

"Miss Xu, I am honored to have fulfilled my duty. Your congenital heart disease will not reoccur for the next ten years," Dr. He said proudly.

"So, it was Dr. He who cured me. Thank you, thank you, Dr. He," Xu Yourong immediately sat up and thanked Dr. He.

Although she was not completely cured, to be without a recurrence for ten years was still extremely rare.

"Dr. He, I will definitely repay you well for this...puh!+"

But before Xu Yourong could finish her sentence, her complexion suddenly turned white, and she spewed out a mouthful of fresh blood.

She suddenly became extremely pained, clutching her left chest tightly, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted onto the bed, convulsing and breathing more and more faintly.

It was clear that her life was now in danger!

"Miss!" Qiu Li exclaimed in shock.

"Yourong! Yourong, what's wrong with you? Dr. He, hurry, please save Yourong!" Su Qingcheng exclaimed in panic.

"How, how, how could this happen? How could this happen?"

Dr. He's face turned wildly pale, and he began to tremble uncontrollably, his mouth quivering as he became utterly distraught.

The next second, Ning Fan had dashed to the bedside, pressing his hand against Xu Yourong's left chest.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't mess around!"

Miss Su Qingcheng and Qiu Li screamed in shock.

Ning Fan had no time to explain. Under the panicked gazes of everyone around, he placed his left hand over Xu Yourong's heart, channeling azure spiritual energy into her, continually pressing down.

His right hand, at the fastest speed, swiftly pulled out all the silver needles that He Wushang had inserted into Xu Yourong's body.

Afterward, he took out his own silver needles and rapidly started inserting them at various major acupuncture points on Xu Yourong's body!

Shuā shuā shuā!

One silver needle after another, again piercing into Xu Yourong's body.

Each silver needle carried the azure spiritual energy from within Ning Fan.

With every needle he inserted, his complexion became a shade paler.

"This... this this this..."

He Wushang, who was standing by, watched with bulging eyes, utterly astonished.

After inserting the last silver needle, Ning Fan's spiritual power was completely depleted, and, exhaling deeply, he could barely stand.

"Quick, Dr. He, you must check on Yourong immediately, see if the silver needles inserted by Ning Fan have caused any harm!"

Miss Su Qingcheng rushed forward anxiously and gave Ning Fan a push.

Ning Fan, who was already weak, turned deathly pale with a shove from Miss Su Qingcheng and staggered three steps back, leaning against the wall.

Whereas Xu Yourong on the bed was quickly recovering, her breathing and heartbeat soon normalized, and the pain on her face steadily faded.

Another two minutes passed, and Xu Yourong woke up once more.

He Wushang approached with a mix of shock and doubt, examined Xu Yourong, and then expressed his shame and disbelief, "The needles I inserted indeed had issues and nearly killed Miss Xu; however, now, Miss Xu is truly cured..."

"Truly cured? What do you mean?" Xu Yourong asked, puzzled.

"It means that Miss Xu's congenital heart disease won't just be dormant for ten years, but even twenty years, thirty years, it won't appear again..." He Wushang explained with amazement.

"What? Really? Dr. He, thank you! Thank you for saving my life, thank you for completely curing my illness!"

Xu Yourong's eyes sparkled as she thanked him excitedly.

"Miss Xu, you've thanked the wrong person. The one who saved you this time, and who completely cured you, is not me, but Mr. Ning."

He Wushang gave a wry smile and awkwardly said.

"Ah? Ning Fan? Was it you who saved my life again? And you've completely cured my illness?"

Xu Yourong looked towards Ning Fan, surprised and delighted.

"Not completely cured yet; you still need to use the medicinal materials I had you buy yesterday to boil a medicine and take it consecutively for three days, then you'll be completely cured."

Ning Fan had recovered a bit and shook his head as he spoke.

"Ning Fan, I really don't know how to thank you."

Xu Yourong looked at Ning Fan, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

"Dr. Ning, I am deeply grateful to you for taking action to save her..."

He Wushang also said with a sense of shame and gratitude.

If Ning Fan hadn't intervened, Xu Yourong would undoubtedly have died, and He Wushang's lifetime of reputation would have been ruined right there.

"Could it be that he truly possesses medical skills..."

Miss Su Qingcheng stood on the side, filled with skepticism, looking back and forth between Ning Fan and Xu Yourong.


Suddenly, Su Qingcheng frowned and, pointing at the silver needles on Xu Yourong, said, "Yourong, Dr. He, you must not be deceived by Ning Fan! Look closely, those silver needles inserted by Ning Fan are all in the exact same positions as those inserted by Dr. He!"

Everyone looked and indeed, the locations of the needles' insertion from both times were exactly the same, a perfect match!

Qiu Li also realized and said, "So that's how it is. Ning Fan, you have merely pulled out the silver needles inserted by Dr. He and then placed them back exactly as they were. You're really too sly! Miss, please don't be fooled by Ning Fan. The first time Dr. He inserted the silver needles, there must have been no problem; they just needed some time to take effect, but Ning Fan took advantage of this…"