Chapter 10 How about I give myself to you?_1

Facing the accusations of Su Qingcheng and Qiu Li, Ning Fan hadn't even spoken when He Wushang already bluntly said, "Miss Su, please do not speculate wildly! The silver needles inserted by Dr. Ning and those placed by myself merely share the same superficial location on the skin, but what lies beneath is vastly different! The art of the silver needles is profound and extensive, and only a layman would judge solely based on the placement of the needles."


Su Qingcheng and Qiu Li did not expect He Wushang to defend Ning Fan, and both were momentarily stunned.

Then, He Wushang sighed and turned to face Ning Fan with a clasped fist salute, saying respectfully, "I, He Wushang, have arrogantly claimed to have deeply studied the Thirteen Ghost Needles for decades, but only today have I realized that in regards to these Thirteen Ghost Needles, I merely grasp the basics. Dr. Ning, it is you who truly masters the Thirteen Ghost Needles!"

"Dr. Ning, I presume to ask for your guidance. As long as you are willing to instruct me, I am willing to acknowledge you as my master!"

He Wushang looked sincere and full of anticipation, his legs slightly bent, ready to kneel and perform the discipleship ceremony the moment Ning Fan gave his nod.

But Ning Fan simply shook his head slightly and said, "There's no need for discipleship, however, I can remind you that the Thirteen Ghost Needles aren't that simple. You currently do not possess the conditions necessary to harness their true miraculous power."

To bring out the true miraculous power of the Thirteen Ghost Needles, one needed to combine them with spiritual power or some other force during application.

Since He Wushang was just an ordinary doctor, naturally, he could not bring out their full potential. This was also the reason why He Wushang had almost killed Xu Yourong at the onset.

"Oh? Dr. Ning, I'd like to hear the details, please enlighten me more."

"I'm sorry, but I can't say any more," Ning Fan shook his head.

The teachings are not to be lightly transmitted. Ning Fan did not wish to casually reveal the legacy left by his mother.

"My apologies, Dr. Ning, it was presumptuous of me to ask. Thank you for your reminder."

"Miss Su, I nearly made a grave mistake, so I will take my leave."

He Wushang nodded awkwardly and repeatedly expressed his thanks before turning and leaving dejectedly.

Ning Fan then removed the silver needles from Xu Yourong's body and was about to prepare the medicine.

"Ning Fan, let me introduce you. This is my best friend, Su Qingcheng."

"Qingcheng, this is Ning Fan."

Xu Yourong introduced the two to each other.

Seeing the odd expressions on both of their faces, Xu Yourong asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Ning Fan, Qingcheng, do you two know each other?"

"No, we don't know each other. How could I possibly know him? It's just that when you were unconscious just now, I heard Qiu Li telling me about him," Su Qingcheng quickly shook her head.

"I don't know her," Ning Fan also shook his head.

Since Su Qingcheng said she didn't know him, what need was there for him to claim they did know each other? If he really said they knew each other, perhaps this Su Qingcheng would even think he was trying to curry favor with her.


Xu Yourong looked at the two of them and instinctively felt something was off, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Miss Xu, hand me the medicinal herbs, and I will prepare the medicine," Ning Fan said again.


Xu Yourong nodded.

Following that, Ning Fan took the herbs to the kitchen.

This medicine was not easy to prepare; it required spiritual power as a catalyst to exceed the effects of an ordinary medicinal draft.

Fortunately, having prepared medicine for Lin Xiaoling the night before, Ning Fan had some experience and quickly managed to prepare the potion successfully.

Later, Ning Fan handed the prepared medicine to Xu Yourong and advised her to drink it for three consecutive days to fully recover.

"Ning Fan, you saved my life yesterday, and again today, and you have even completely cured my heart disease; you truly are my benefactor,"

Xu Yourong said emotionally after taking the medicine.

"I didn't know you were really skilled in medicine, so let's say it was a misunderstanding before."


Miss Su Qingcheng's complexion was somewhat unnatural.

Although she had to admit that Ning Fan really possessed medical skills, she hadn't truly changed her opinion of him.

"There's nothing to it, I almost killed you yesterday, so saving you now is only right—it's even-stevens," Ning Fan said, ignoring Miss Su Qingcheng, shaking his head as he spoke to Xu Yourong.

"But that won't do. You harmed me once, yet saved me twice, on top of treating my illness—we are far from even! I still owe you! How about this, to repay you, I'll offer myself to you, letting you be my boyfriend, how does that sound?"

Xu Yourong suddenly let out a faint smile, her eyes shifty, half-joking, half-serious.

"Yourong!" Miss Su Qingcheng exclaimed anxiously.

"Cough cough... No, no, that won't do," Ning Fan also coughed awkwardly.

"What? Do you already have a girlfriend?" Xu Yourong deliberately asked.


Ning Fan was silent for a while, then said, "I indeed had a girlfriend before, but I broke up with her yesterday."

"So you're saying you look down on me?" Xu Yourong pressed on.

"Of course not, how could I possibly look down on you..."

Ning Fan, in a rush, blurted out.

Given Xu Yourong's stunning beauty, figure, temperament, and status... how could Ning Fan possibly look down on her?

It was only that, having just experienced Pan Ting's betrayal, and the enormous chasm between him and Xu Yourong…

"Miss Xu, if you really want to thank me, then please satisfy onecondition of mine..."

After a moment of silence, Ning Fan spoke up.

"What condition? Tell me, as long as it's within my means, I'll definitely comply," Xu Yourong nodded.

Miss Su Qingcheng merely lifted her chin slightly, the corner of her mouth curling into a cold smirk, looking at Ning Fan as if she was watching prey about to reveal its fox tail.

Under the gaze of both women, Ning Fan said, "My condition is... could I come here every day for a few hours over this next week?"


Xu Yourong and Miss Su Qingcheng were both startled.

"Oh, I won't disturb your normal life, Miss Xu. I just want to be alone under that tree," Ning Fan continued.

Ning Fan pointed at a big tree in the corner of the villa's yard, thick enough for a person to wrap their arms around.

"So your condition is... letting you be alone under the tree?" Xu Yourong asked, somewhat amused.

"Yes, is that convenient?" Ning Fan inquired with hope.

"Convenient, of course, convenient. You can go right now," Xu Yourong nodded dumbly, unable to understand why.

"Thank you!"

Ning Fan's face lit up with joy, then he quickly walked over to the big tree in the corner of the yard, sat down with his legs crossed, eyes closed, in a meditative pose, and began to practice cultivation.

As soon as he had gotten out of the car, Ning Fan had noticed that the concentration of Spiritual Energy in the mountain-top villa exceeded the place he lived by more than tenfold, and that this big tree was situated at the spot with the highest concentration of Spiritual Energy on the entire mountain-top!

Cultivating under this big tree would undoubtedly lead to twice the results with half the effort!


A wind had started to blow around the mountain-top, from who knows when.

It even carried a faint mist, continuously surging towards Ning Fan under the tree from all directions.

Ning Fan ceaselessly absorbed the Spiritual Energy pouring in from all around into his body, gathering it at the Dantian in his abdomen, circulating it continuously according to the inherited Cultivation Technique…
