Chapter 12 Ning Fan's Choice_1

Ning Fan's vision clouded over with the malicious faces of Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting once again. He let out a long breath and answered, "Okay, I accept, I accept Lake Heart Resort."

"Heh, I really wasn't wrong about you. Everyone has a price, and it seems yours is ten billion. That's not a low price."

Su Qingcheng said with no lack of sarcasm.

Clearly, she still harbored grudges about Ning Fan returning the marriage certificate to her back then.

"Then I'll bring the property documents tomorrow and go with you to Lake Heart Resort to formally hand it over to you."

Xu Yourong maintained her smile as she spoke.

"Fine, it's getting late today. I'll take my leave now."

Ning Fan didn't want to explain. He nodded, said his goodbyes, and left.

Afterward, Xu Yourong wanted to drive Ning Fan down the mountain herself, but Su Qingcheng stopped her, and another driver was arranged to take Ning Fan down instead.

"Yourong, Ning Fan didn't choose the empty title of being your boyfriend. He didn't choose the mountain-top villa worth one billion, but in the end, he chose Lake Heart Resort worth ten billion! Look, his true colors have finally been revealed, hasn't they? Everything he does is just for the sake of money. Everyone has a price... Such a person, you'd better not associate with him again in the future."

Watching Ning Fan's car fade into the distance, Su Qingcheng spoke earnestly and kindly.

"I don't think so, I believe Ning Fan chose Lake Heart Resort for reasons other than money."

Xu Yourong said, smiling confidently.


Seeing Xu Yourong not taking her advice, Su Qingcheng shook her head helplessly, thinking to herself: The intoxication of friendship is too deep, I absolutely must not stand idly by.

Ning Fan, oh Ning Fan, I won't let you succeed!


Elsewhere, Ning Fan rode in the car down to the foot of the mountain before he looked back up.

Today, after curing Xu Yourong's illness, she had indeed given him three options.

Either become Xu Yourong's boyfriend, accept this mountain-top villa, or take over Lake Heart Resort.

Firstly, the option of becoming Xu Yourong's boyfriend... Having just experienced Pan Ting's betrayal, he instinctively rejected it.

Besides, he didn't know whether Xu Yourong was serious or just joking.

And how could he, who was still unaccomplished, be worthy of Xu Yourong?

Secondly, the option to accept the mountain-top villa... Ning Fan only needed to spend a few hours there each day to absorb spiritual energy for cultivation. There was no need to claim ownership of the villa.

The reason Ning Fan chose the last option, taking over Lake Heart Resort, was because he wanted to see...

Weren't Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi supposed to have their wedding there in two days' time?

If he became the owner of Lake Heart Resort, would Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi still be able to hold their wedding?

Of course, Ning Fan had no intention of truly claiming the ten-billion-worth Lake Heart Resort for himself.

After the wedding day of Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi passed, he would return Lake Heart Resort to Xu Yourong.


Shortly after returning to his rented house, Lin Xiaoling came back from outside as well.

"Ling'er, your leg has just healed. You should go out less and rest more at home," Ning Fan said with concern.

"Brother, it's okay, I feel like my leg is even stronger than before!"

Lin Xiaoling jumped up and down deliberately to show her leg had fully recovered. Then she added, "By the way, brother, I went to the hospital today to get a refund of the advance payment for my treatment, guess who I ran into?"

"Who?" Ning Fan asked.

"Pan Ting's uncle, Ma Fugui!" Lin Xiaoling said.

"Ma Fugui? He didn't give you a hard time, did he?" Ning Fan frowned instantly.

"He has his own troubles, how would he have the time to trouble me?"

Lin Xiaoling continued, "Brother, let me tell you, I saw Ma Fugui in a wheelchair with both legs broken. I also heard the doctors say that he had comminuted fractures in both legs, with no hope of recovery."

"Ma Fugui? Both legs broken?"

Ning Fan was taken aback, instinctively feeling that this matter might be related to Xu Yourong.

But he didn't think much of it. After returning to his room, he sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered the cultivation state again.

Though the concentration of spiritual energy here was far less than in the mountaintop villa, it was better than nothing and could help consolidate the Qi Condensation First Layer realm breakthrough he had just achieved.

Time whizzed by swiftly.

When Ning Fan awoke from his cultivation state, it was already the next day's morning.

No sooner had he gotten out of bed than his phone rang.

"Hello? Is this Fan? It's your Auntie Ma. I've booked a table at Lake Heart Resort, inviting you for lunch at noon. You must come..."

The cell phone carried the kind voice of a middle-aged woman, Pan Ting's mother, Ma Xiulian.

"Auntie Ma, Pan Ting and I have already broken up, so there's no need for lunch," Ning Fan refused with a frown.

"Fan, don't say that. I know all about you and Pan Ting. If you ask me, this is all a misunderstanding. You two have been together for such a long time. As the saying goes, 'A couple for a day, a bond for a hundred days.' Even if there are some misunderstandings between you two, what can't be resolved? Anyway, I've already ordered the dishes, so you must come at noon..."

Ma Xiulian was incessant on the phone.

Ning Fan found it strange. Ma Xiulian had always looked down on him, despised him for his poverty, and had told Pan Ting to break up with him several times.

Now that he had truly broken up with Pan Ting, why was Ma Xiulian suddenly inviting him to lunch?

What was she selling in her gourd?

Nevertheless, Ning Fan eventually agreed.

If it were any other place, Ning Fan might have refused, but Ma Xiulian had mentioned Lake Heart Resort, and that was different.

Since he was going to visit the Lake Heart Resort with Xu Yourong today anyway.

After instructing Lin Xiaoling on a few matters, Ning Fan left the house and took a taxi to Lake Heart Resort.

The place was surrounded by a vast natural lake called Yanhui Lake, and the entire Lake Heart Island had been developed into a luxury resort, one of the most prestigious spending spots in River City.

It was said to cost at least tens of thousands just to have an ordinary meal here!

Ning Fan arrived at the private room by following the address.

In the private room sat Ma Xiulian, Pan Ting, Pan Ting's father Pan Dajiang, and Pan Ting's uncle, Ma Fugui.

Of course, Ma Fugui was sitting in a wheelchair.

Upon seeing Ning Fan enter, Ma Xiulian hurriedly greeted him warmly.

Pan Ting instinctively showed a look of distaste on her face, but for some reason, she forcefully suppressed it.

"Xiao Ting, go sit next to Xiao Fan," said Ma Xiulian.

Under Ma Xiulian's insistence, Pan Ting unwillingly twisted her waist and sat down beside Ning Fan.

"Fan, I've prepared Moutai and Wuliangye. Which do you prefer to drink?" Pan Dajiang asked, holding up two bottles of liquor.

Ma Fugui's gaze was a bit evasive; he didn't dare to look directly into Ning Fan's eyes, yet there was a look of anticipation as he glanced over at Ning Fan now and then.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Let's skip this charade," Ning Fan spoke coldly.

Pan Ting and the others exchanged glances for a moment before Pan Ting spoke up.

"Here's the thing, Ning Fan, my uncle accidentally fell the day before yesterday and broke his leg. We saw your sister at the hospital yesterday, her leg has been broken for half a year, hasn't it? How come it's suddenly all better? Which divine doctor treated her? Could you introduce that divine doctor to us?"

It turns out, after Ma Fugui's leg was broken by Baldy Qiang, he visited several hospitals, but because the fracture was too severe—a comminuted fracture with nerve necrosis—all the doctors said there was no way to recover.

Not giving up, yesterday Ma Fugui went to the hospital again, and unexpectedly, he saw Lin Xiaoling jumping around lively.

He was greatly shocked, thinking a divine doctor had appeared in the hospital and cured Lin Xiaoling's leg.

After that, his family inquired throughout the hospital but could not find out which divine doctor had cured Lin Xiaoling's leg.

Therefore, Ma Xiulian had invited Ning Fan to this meal, aiming to extract the whereabouts of the divine doctor from him.

"I see, you want me to introduce the divine doctor to treat your uncle's leg? Then do you know who that divine doctor really is?"

Ning Fan sneered.