Chapter 13: The Banquet at Hongmen_1

"If I knew who the god doctor was, would I need to ask you? If it weren't for my uncle breaking his leg…" Pan Ting halted, forcefully holding back.

"Was your uncle's leg really broken by a fall? Or could it have been broken by someone else?" Ning Fan mocked with a sneering laugh.


Ma Fugui's face turned red with anger; he was about to blow up on the spot but was stopped by a look from Ma Xiulian.

Pan Ting clenched her teeth and then unbuttoned two buttons from her chest, leaning her body closer to Ning Fan, her mouth nearly touching his face, she cooed,

"Ning Fan, won't you introduce that god doctor to us? My uncle is over fifty and it's so pitiful that he broke his leg, you can't just stand by and not help, can you?"

"Ning Fan, I know I was wrong about what happened that day, I'll definitely cut off all ties with Wang Guanxi in the future, I'll be wholeheartedly good to you…"

"As long as you introduce that god doctor to us, I…I'll let you stay at my house tonight…"

Having said that, Pan Ting reached out and wrapped her arm around Ning Fan's, pressing her ample chest towards him.

Had this been in the past, Pan Ting's tone and actions would have probably made Ning Fan dazed with delight.

But now, Ning Fan felt nothing but disgust!

"Pan Ting, do you think I would still believe your lies?" Ning Fan said with a scoff.

"Fan, I'm not lying to you, I'm serious, if you don't believe me, feel my heart…" Pan Ting grabbed Ning Fan's hand and placed it over her heart.

"Pan Ting, I feel disgusted just looking at you now!"

Ning Fan yanked his hand away and said coldly.

"Ning Fan, if you don't tell me where that god doctor is today, I'll accuse you of rape!"

Pan Ting tousled her hair and messed up her neckline, pressing hard against Ning Fan.

Ma Xiulian quickly took out her phone to take a photo.

Ning Fan frowned, stood up, pushed Pan Ting away, and said coldly, "You want to know the whereabouts of that god doctor so badly? Fine, I'll tell you."

"Really? Come on, tell us! Where is that god doctor?" Ma Fugui's eyes lit up instantly.

Pan Ting and her husband Ma Xiulian also looked over eagerly.

Ning Fan said mockingly to them, "The god doctor you're looking for is me! I can cure my sister's leg, and I can cure your leg too, Ma Fugui! But why should I? Because you sent someone after me? Do you really think I'm so dumb as to turn the other cheek?"

"You're saying… that the god doctor who can heal broken legs is you?"

Pan Ting and the others were taken aback.

"Of course," said Ning Fan.

"Hahaha! Ning Fan, what are you playing at, you loser? You think you're a god doctor with that dumb face of yours? If you were a god doctor, why didn't you cure your crippled sister's leg six months ago?" Pan Ting quickly reacted, jeering loudly.

"Ning Fan, you poor fool, idiot, trash—if you're a god doctor, then I'm Hua Tuo! Do you think we're brain-dead? You think we'll believe anything you say? You imbecile!" Ma Xiulian cursed fiercely.

"Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter to me, I'm leaving now."

Ning Fan sneered and turned to leave.

"Kid, you really won't reveal where that god doctor is, huh? I'm warning you, don't regret not taking the toast and being forced to drink a forfeit instead. If you don't tell, I have ways to make you talk! I'll find someone to break your sister's leg again, and you'll naturally go seek out that god doctor!"

Ma Fugui's face was malevolent as he wheeled his chair to block Ning Fan's path.


The next second, Ning Fan raised his hand and delivered a heavy slap across Ma Fugui's face.

The slap sent Ma Fugui toppling over, wheelchair and all.

"Damn it! Ning Fan, you trash, how dare you hit someone!" Ma Fugui screamed in shock and fury.

"If you dare harm my sister, it's not just hitting; I'd dare to kill!"

Ning Fan's expression was frighteningly dark, his tone icy, his gaze sharp as a knife.

Ma Fugui and Ma Xiulian both shivered involuntarily and were suddenly too scared to speak.

"Mr. Wang! You better take care of this yourself!"

Pan Ting's face turned pale as she shouted out towards the private room door.

Soon after, Wang Guanxi, followed by seven or eight thugs, burst in.

"Kid, if you just come clean about the whereabouts of that divine doctor, I'll let you walk out of here today. Otherwise, I'm going to break both your legs and make you crawl out to find that divine doctor! We'll just follow behind you, having no trouble finding where that divine doctor is!"

Wang Guanxi sneered triumphantly.

"So, was this a setup for a Hongmen Banquet after all?" Ning Fan said with a cold laugh.

Pan Ting looked at Ning Fan with the smug expression one reserves for an idiot. "Fool, did you really think all we could do was invite you to eat, to beg you? What an idiot!"

"That's right, boy, today is a Hongmen Banquet! You think you're so strong? Today, I'm going to let you know that no matter how strong you are, you'll end up being dealt with by me!"

Wang Guanxi pointed at Ning Fan and said to his thugs behind him, "Go on, break his legs. No, break all three of his legs!"


The seven or eight thugs immediately charged towards Ning Fan, fists and feet flying.

Ning Fan sneered, clenched his fists, and met the thugs head-on.

He had already refined a strand of azure Spiritual Power for himself, reaching the first level of Qi Refinement. Defeating Qiu Li with a single punch the day before had not been satisfying enough, and today was a good opportunity to test his skills further.

Bang bang bang...

A series of muffled thumps followed, and none of the seven or eight thugs could withstand a single punch from Ning Fan. Within half a minute, they were all knocked to the ground, wailing in pain.

"You... you... you..."

The Pan family and Wang Guanxi were all terrified, their faces alternating colors.

"Now, do you still want to break my legs so I crawl to the divine doctor?"

Ning Fan said with a sneer, looking at Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting and the others.

"You... you brat, no matter how tough you are, you're just a brute! Do you believe that sooner or later, I'll take care of you?"

Wang Guanxi managed to say with force.

"That's right, tomorrow Wang Guanxi and I are getting married here on Lake Heart Island. He just doesn't want to dirty Lake Heart Island by dealing with you here. Otherwise, he'd bring over a hundred people to beat the crap out of you! Even if you're extraordinarily strong, do you think you can fight a hundred people?"

Pan Ting also shrieked.

"Fine, then I'll wait for you to try and deal with me after your wedding tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot—you're getting married here on Lake Heart Island? Then let me give you a heads-up: your wedding tomorrow, it's not going to happen."

Ning Fan said coldly.

Right after he finished speaking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? Ning Fan, I just went to your place to pick you up, but your sister said you were already at Lake Heart Island. I'm now in the lobby of Lake Heart Resort. Where are you?"

Xu Yourong's voice came through the phone.

"I'm inside a private room, I'll come out to find you right away."

After Ning Fan said this, he hung up the phone and looked at Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi with a sneer.

"Pan Ting, Wang Guanxi, the insults you once hurled at me, I'll be sure to return them! I have another appointment, so excuse me!"

Ning Fan said, then turned and walked out the door.

"Ning Fan, you damned cur, you really think you can stop our wedding? Don't you dare run away if you have the guts!"

Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi stood stunned for a while before they recovered and started hurling insults as they chased after Ning Fan.

Ning Fan left the private room and quickly arrived in the lobby.

There stood a ravishing beauty, so alluring that she could overthrow states and cities.

Upon seeing Ning Fan, she promptly approached him with a radiant smile.

It was Xu Yourong.