Chapter 15 External Things Are Ultimately Unreliable_1

After signing the property transfer documents, Ning Fan seemed a bit distracted.

"Miss Xu, when can I go to the mountain villa?"

Ning Fan couldn't wait to get to the mountain villa for cultivation.

"Eh? You're not at all concerned about the assets of Lake Heart Resort? We only took a tour just now, yet you haven't even glanced at the finances, accounts, management personnel, etc."

Xu Yourong said curiously.

"I... still prefer to go to the mountain villa first. If it's inconvenient for you, Miss Xu, may I go alone? Don't worry, I don't have to enter the villa; I can just stay in the yard."

Ning Fan shook his head.

He knew that although Lake Heart Resort was worth a billion, it was nothing more than an external possession.

External possessions are, after all, unreliable.

Only things truly mastered by oneself, such as medical skills and cultivation, could make one genuinely powerful.

Only after becoming truly powerful could he seek revenge on those who had insulted him, protect those close to him, and pursue the happiness he desired!

"Alright, since you're so eager to return to the mountain villa, let's go back."

Although Xu Yourong didn't understand his reasons, she nodded and left with Ning Fan.

Watching the two of them walking away, Pei Qinhai's eyes finally revealed a hint of confusion.

Who exactly was this young man named Ning Fan?

He had never seen Miss Xu behave this way in front of any other man!


When Ning Fan and Xu Yourong returned to the mountain villa, it was almost time for lunch.

"I'm a little hungry, Ning Fan, what would you like to eat? I'll have the chef prepare it," Xu Yourong said as soon as she entered the villa.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but since you said you wouldn't come back for lunch, Butler He took the day off and went down the mountain," a middle-aged servant approached and said.

"Ah?" Xu Yourong was taken aback and said somewhat reluctantly, "If Butler He isn't here, then... we'll have to order takeout."

As the daughter of the Xu Family, Xu Yourong certainly wouldn't cook, and her tastes were somewhat picky; she was only accustomed to eating the dishes made by Chef Butler He.

"Otherwise, let me cook."

Ning Fan volunteered upon seeing this.

"You can cook?" Xu Yourong asked in surprise.


Ning Fan nodded and walked straight into the kitchen, getting busy.

Today at Lake Heart Island, Xu Yourong had pretended to be his girlfriend in front of Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi, which was a help to him.

So he would cook a meal for Xu Yourong in gratitude.

While Ning Fan was cooking, Xu Yourong sat in the living room and received a call from Pei Qinhai.

"Miss, that Wang Guanxi who is getting married on Lake Heart Island tomorrow has asked me to invite you to his wedding and also said..." Pei Qinhai said.

"Also said what?" Xu Yourong frowned and asked.

"He also said he would like to have you as the wedding officiant for him and his wife," Pei Qinhai said with some indignation, "Miss, this Wang Guanxi is really too presumptuous, daring to invite you to be the wedding officiant with his kind of caliber? He's outrageously bold! Shall I cancel his wedding banquet tomorrow? Not let him hold his wedding on our Lake Heart Island?"

"No, tell Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting that tomorrow my celebration banquet will take place alongside his wedding."

"Not only that, but I'll come in person to officiate their marriage!"

"Moreover, during the banquet, I will introduce to all of River City an outstanding young man I have taken note of!"

Xu Yourong said with a smile on her lips.

"What? What?"

Pei Qinhai was stunned on the other end of the phone.

"Go, immediately spread the news throughout River City."

"Right, after tomorrow's banquet, no matter what happens, there's no need to report to me anymore, but to Mr. Ning!"

"From now on, Mr. Ning is your boss!"

After Xu Yourong finished speaking, she hung up the phone.


On the other side, Pei Qinhai immediately found Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting.

"Miss Xu said that the banquet celebrating her recovery tomorrow will be held together with your wedding. Moreover, Miss Xu has agreed to be the officiant at your wedding. Furthermore, Miss Xu will recommend a talented young man she has taken a liking to, to the entire River City during the banquet," said Pei Qinhai expressionlessly.

"What? This this this… I I I… I'm not hearing things, am I?"

Wang Guanxi stuttered in surprise, his face filled with disbelief.

"Honey, I know, it must be Miss Xu who has taken a fancy to you! Miss Xu wants to support you! No, it's the Xu Family that wants to support you! Dear husband! You're about to make it big!"

Pan Ting was even more excited, screaming at the top of her lungs, her face flushed with excitement.

"I should go now, I still have to spread this news throughout the entire River City."

Pei Qinhai gave the two a cold glance before turning around and leaving.

Behind him, Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting were practically delirious with joy, hugging each other while jumping and shouting.

"Haha! Husband, I really didn't expect that Miss Xu and the Xu Family would actually take a shine to you!"

"Not only are they holding the banquet together with our wedding, but she will also officiate for us, moreover, she will support me publicly, and announce this news to the entire River City! I, Wang Guanxi, am about to rise to the top in River City in one fell swoop!"

"Husband, and me, and me! Miss Xu must have taken a liking to me too!"

"Haha! Right, and my dear you! Oh, and that damned Ning Fan! After the wedding tomorrow, once I become the most eye-catching new star in River City, I'll definitely crush him like a bug! I'll make sure there's no place for him in the whole River City!"

While the two were excited, Pei Qinhai had already spread the news throughout the entire River City.

For a time, the major clans, celebrities, and big shots of River City were all discussing and speculating.

Why would the daughter of the number one family of River City, the Xu Family, release such news? Could it be that Miss Xu truly represented the Xu Family and had taken a shine to Wang Guanxi?


Unaware of the brewing storm outside, Ning Fan had quickly prepared a table full of dishes.

"Dinner's ready."

Ning Fan served the dishes and began to eat facing Xu Yourong.

"Mmm! The food you make really tastes great!"

"I've never tasted food made by anyone else that suits my palate as well as yours!"

"It's even better than what Uncle He makes! It's really delicious!"

Xu Yourong ate heartily, continuously praising.

Based on the speed at which she ate, the praise was definitely sincere.

"If only you could cook for me for the rest of my life!"

After Xu Yourong finished eating, she put down her utensils and looked at Ning Fan intently.

"Ah? Ahem… This… That… Miss Xu, it's getting late, I should be sitting under that big tree now…"

Ning Fan, red-faced, ran out of the villa like he was fleeing, and sat down beside the big tree in the courtyard.

Then he closed his eyes and crossed his legs, taking a long time to calm his emotions before entering into a state of cultivation.

Meanwhile, Xu Yourong was watching Ning Fan from the window, a smile playing on her lips, murmuring to herself, "There's an old saying that to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach. I feel like, turned around, this saying works pretty well for women too…"

"If you move a woman's stomach, you move her heart…"