Chapter 16 Because He is My Fiancé_1

While Ning Fan was cultivating and absorbing Spiritual Energy at the villa on the mountaintop, Su Qingcheng came alone to the house Ning Fan was renting.

"You are Ning Fan's sister, Lin Xiaoling?"

Su Qingcheng looked at Lin Xiaoling with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Who are you?" Lin Xiaoling instinctively responded with hostility.

Women's intuition made her sense malice from Su Qingcheng.

"My name is Su Qingcheng, your brother saved my best friend Xu Yourong yesterday," Su Qingcheng said.

"My brother is not here," Lin Xiaoling said, then attempted to close the door.

"I didn't come to see your brother; I came to see you," Su Qingcheng walked straight into the room.

"To see me? What do you want with me?" Lin Xiaoling frowned.

Su Qingcheng's gaze swept around the room, and the shabby furniture made her frown deeply.

Indeed, poverty limits one's ambitions, just as a lean horse grows long hair.

"I came to you because I want you to relay a few words to your brother Ning Fan."

Su Qingcheng said indifferently:

"I admit, my information was indeed wrong before, I hadn't expected that he would know a bit of medicine and some martial arts."

"He was also lucky, managing accidentally to cure Yourong's illness."

"But, this does not mean that he truly has the qualifications to associate with Yourong on equal terms!"

"Compared to Yourong, your brother's status and position are still worlds apart!"

"Don't rely on a small favor to attempt to get close to Yourong, to pursue her!"

"Your brother is not worthy!"

"Since he has accepted assets worth ten billion, he should be content and disappear from Yourong's side!"

"If he tries to gain more from Yourong, then I absolutely will not agree! By then, I will make sure your brother's efforts come to naught!"

"Please relay these words to your brother without missing a single one!"

After saying this, Su Qingcheng walked out without any expression, her high heels clicking on the floor.

Lin Xiaoling was stunned for a long time, only reacting after Su Qingcheng had walked far away.

Chasing out the door angrily, she shouted at the distant figure of Su Qingcheng, "Don't be so full of yourselves, you rich people! My brother is not what you said he is!"


That evening, Ning Fan returned to the place he had rented.

"Brother, did you go to see that Miss Xu today?"

Lin Xiaoling pouted.

"Yes." Ning Fan did not wish to hide it from Lin Xiaoling and nodded.

"Brother, can you not go see that Miss Xu anymore?"

Lin Xiaoling said with a sob in her voice, looking wronged.

"Ling'er, what's wrong?" Ning Fan asked with confusion and concern.

"A woman named Su Qingcheng came today…"

Lin Xiaoling recounted Su Qingcheng's words and then said, both aggrieved and angry, "Brother, what's so good about that Xu Yourong? Can you please stop looking for her, so you won't have to listen to that Ms. Su's idle chatter! That Ms. Su who spoke like that, she is not a good person either…"

"So it was Su Qingcheng who came."

Ning Fan nodded, understanding, then spoke seriously to Lin Xiaoling, "Ling'er, we live upright and honest lives, we don't fear others' gossip. I can tell you earnestly, I will never harbor any inappropriate intentions towards Miss Xu, nor will I ever do anything to exploit her favor!"

"What Su Qingcheng thinks is merely her own narrow perspective."

"The things she's proud of, her so-called identity, status, money—for me, these are just insubstantial external things!"

"As long as one grows strong oneself, those things are easily within reach!"

"Ling'er, believe in me, one day I will take you to see the view from above!"

Ning Fan looked up slightly, his gaze towards the dark horizon.

That day, he had absorbed Spiritual Energy for hours at the villa on the mountaintop and his cultivation had made great progress. He had broken through once again and had reached the second level of Qi Refinement.

The miraculous green Spiritual Energy within his body had grown significantly once more.

He had gained a deeper understanding of the mystical legacy left by his mother.

That legacy wasn't just medicine and brute strength—it was simple. With those legacies, he would definitely stand at the very pinnacle of the world!

By then, he wanted to see just what kind of face that arrogant Su Qingcheng would make.


Meanwhile, in the bedroom on a big bed in the villa atop the mountain.

Xu Yourong and Su Qingcheng wore pajamas, lying side by side at the head of the bed, their four immaculate legs kicked up, swinging slightly in the air, two pairs of delicate feet sometimes touching and then parting again.

"Yourong, what exactly is this banquet tomorrow? Is it related to Ning Fan?" Su Qingcheng turned her head to ask.

"Hehe, it should be related, tomorrow, I want to test Ning Fan's courage." Xu Yourong propped her chin with both hands, giggling.

"Test Ning Fan's courage? What do you mean? Yourong, you better not mess around! Let me tell you, it's not surprising that Ning Fan knows some medical skills, and as for martial arts, he only has brute force..." Su Qingcheng felt a bad premonition and quickly said.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around. If Ning Fan isn't courageous enough, then I won't see him again after tomorrow; but if he is courageous tomorrow, then..."

As Xu Yourong spoke, her eyes curved into a smile, as if she were thinking of something blissful, and she couldn't help but show a smile.

"Then what?"

Su Qingcheng's sense of foreboding grew stronger, and she pressed for an answer.

"If he is courageous tomorrow, then I'll give myself to him!"

Xu Yourong rolled over, lying on her side facing Su Qingcheng.

"Ah? What? How can that be?" Su Qingcheng blurted out in urgency.

"He fell from the sky to me, that's fate!"

"He saved my life twice and cured my illness, that's grace!"

"He even cooked for me today, and it was exactly to my taste, that's soul compatibility!"

"With fate, grace, and soul compatibility, now I want to give myself to him. Tell me, why shouldn't I?"

Xu Yourong said with a playful and charming smile.

"You, you, you, that's just not possible because... because..."

Su Qingcheng found herself at a loss for words, and in her urgency, she blurted out, "Because he is my fiancé!"

"Ah? What?"

Xu Yourong froze, her beautiful eyes wide as almonds.

"It's not what you think..."

Su Qingcheng knew Xu Yourong had misunderstood and quickly explained, "He was once my fiancé, but I've already broken off the engagement with him..."

Then Su Qingcheng recounted the story of how they broke off the engagement, of course, omitting the part about Ning Fan and Xu Yourong's marriage contract.

"Yourong, listen to my advice. That Ning Fan, he truly isn't worthy of you! In his lifetime, at most he'll just scrape by at the bottom of society, maybe even be a kept man! I can't just jump out of the fire pit myself and then watch you jump into the same pit with my own eyes!" Su Qingcheng said earnestly and compassionately.

"Oh... so that's how it is! I thought you had fallen for him too and wanted to fight over a man with me, hehe..."

After listening to Su Qingcheng, Xu Yourong giggled.

Then she suddenly twisted her elevated legs and knocked them against Su Qingcheng's buttocks, creating a bouncy feeling.


Su Qingcheng let out a soft cry and also turned over, retaliating by aiming to hit the same spot on Xu Yourong.

Xu Yourong refused to give in and immediately fought back.

Su Qingcheng was not one to back down either, and the two women began to cause a commotion on the large bed.

After a bout of roughhousing, Xu Yourong, panting with laughter, said, "Qingcheng, how about we make a bet?"

"A bet? Bet on what?" Su Qingcheng asked.

"Didn't you say Ning Fan isn't worthy of me, that he can only scrape by at the bottom of society? Then let's bet on him being able to make a name for himself in River City within a month! If he can't do it, then I'll give up on him and won't see him again; but if he can, then you'll return the marriage contract to him and honestly continue being his fiancée. How about that?" Xu Yourong proposed with a sly grin.

"What? Yourong, you, you..." Su Qingcheng was startled.

"What's the matter? Don't you dare? Hehe, I never thought I'd see the day when the noble Miss Su from Capital City would be afraid!"

While saying this, Xu Yourong lifted her two pure white feet and tapped them against Su Qingcheng's buttocks like a drum, while giggling and teasing, "Do you dare or not? Do you or not? Come on, say it, do you dare?"

Su Qingcheng's whole body undulated from the tapping, accompanied by a tingling sensation, and she finally gritted her teeth and said, "What's there to be afraid of? If we're going to bet, let's make it big. Making a name in River City isn't enough. Let's bet that Ning Fan can be ranked in the top ten of Jiang Province's Ascendance List within a month! And you can't use the Xu Family's power to help him!"

"Top ten of Jiang Province's Ascendance List?"

Even with her confidence in Ning Fan, Xu Yourong was slightly surprised.

The Jiang Province Ascendance List included the most outstanding young talents from River City and the whole of Jiang Province's eighteen cities. It was evaluated once every five years, and the next evaluation was in a month's time.

To enter the top ten of the Ascendance List, even the most outstanding youth of River City, even with the Xu Family's full support, might not be able to achieve it!

After all, the scope of the entire Jiang Province includes the provincial capital, Chu State.

In the provincial capital Chu State, where could there be a shortage of extremely outstanding young people?

"What do you say? Do you dare or not? Quickly, do you dare?"

Now it was Su Qingcheng's turn to strike back, her hands attacking through both the collar and hem of the nightgown, targeting Xu Yourong's waves.

"Giggle, okay, let's bet big then, nothing scares me! But if Ning Fan makes it to the top ten of the Ascendance List, then you have to marry him with me!"

Xu Yourong laughed while fending off Su Qingcheng's attack, biting her silver teeth and making a bold declaration.

"No problem! But if Ning Fan can't make the top ten of the Ascendance List, then for whatever reasons, you and Ning Fan will be strangers for life! Deal?"

Su Qingcheng's lips curled up.

As long as Xu Yourong agreed, the marriage contract between Ning Fan and Xu Yourong that Su Qingcheng had would essentially become void.


Xu Yourong said with confidence.