Chapter 17 Are You Asking for Humiliation?_1

Early the next morning, Ning Fan was woken up by the notification sound of his cellphone.

When he checked it, to his surprise, the messages were from Pan Ting and Wang Guanxi.

"Ning Fan you trash, do you want to come to me and Wang Shao's wedding today? You've been a lousy lapdog for me for three years, so I'll give you a chance to give a gift. Do you dare come?"

"Trash fool Ning Fan, didn't you say you were going to stop my wedding? Let me tell you, not only am I going to hold a wedding today, I'm going to make it big and special! It will be the most spectacular wedding in all of River City! You loser!"

After reading the messages, Ning Fan responded coldly, "I said your wedding won't happen, so it won't happen."

Afterward, he put away his phone, gave some instructions to Lin Xiaoling, and then headed to Lake Heart Island.


By the time Ning Fan arrived at Lake Heart Island, Xu Yourong had already been waiting there.

Dressed in an elegant long gown today, Xu Yourong looked as stunning as a fairy from the heavens. Even though Ning Fan had seen her many times before, he still couldn't help but be dazed by her beauty.

Luckily, he quickly came to his senses and nodded awkwardly at Xu Yourong.


Xu Yourong was quite pleased with Ning Fan's reaction.

If she failed to attract him at all, she would have doubted her own charm.

But if he stared at her dumbfoundedly without blinking, like other men, she would have found it unbearable.

Ning Fan's reaction, however, was just perfect—charmed by her beauty, but quickly able to regain his composure.

Such a man was indeed worthy of Xu Yourong's attention.

There was still some time, so Xu Yourong and Ning Fan started walking toward the VIP area together.

Unexpectedly, they encountered Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting, who were in suits and wedding attire, accompanied by a group of people taking photos for memories.

Having a wedding on Lake Heart Island was no easy feat. They needed to take more pictures—after all, these would be their bragging rights in the future!

"Yo? Ning Fan you trash, you actually dared to come today? Really want to humiliate yourself? Is your brain filled with water?"

Upon seeing Ning Fan, Wang Guanxi immediately started mocking him.

"Heh, lapdog Ning Fan, are you really here to bring a gift? Forget it, even if you live off steamed buns for a year, how many coins could you save up?"

Pan Ting also jeered at him without restraint.

"I said I came to stop your wedding," Ning Fan remarked coldly.

"Idiot! You're really not done yet? Bark one more word, and see if I don't have someone cripple you right now!" Wang Guanxi yelled furiously.

At this moment, Xu Yourong spoke up, "Enough, if there's an issue, let's talk about it at the banquet later."

After saying this, she took Ning Fan's hand and walked into the VIP area.

Wang Guanxi, watching Xu Yourong's retreating figure, cursed with lewd greed, "A Canary kept by Li Wanshan, acting all high and mighty in front of me again and again. If it weren't out of respect for Li Wanshan, I would have someone strip you in minutes..."

"Right, wasn't Li Wanshan saying he'd attend our wedding today? Darling, go find him, have him deal with that trash Ning Fan!" Pan Ting said venomously and jealously.

Next, Pan Ting continued to pose in her wedding dress for photos, while Wang Guanxi went to the resort's main hall, where he found Li Wanshan, a middle-aged man in his forties who had just arrived not long ago.

"Boss Li, I just saw your Canary again, openly accompanying her kept boy toy to the resort's VIP area!"

Wang Guanxi immediately tattled.

"What? That cheap woman Xu Yan, no wonder she said she had something to do this morning and went out early; she was actually meeting with her boy toy here? Let's go, take me there! If I catch that little punk, I'll break his three legs!"

Li Wanshan was enraged and ready to follow Wang Guanxi to catch the adulterers in action.

But after only a few steps, he stopped and waved his hand, "Forget it, the young lady of the Xu Family is coming today, I'd rather not make a scene, otherwise it wouldn't leave a good impression on Miss Xu."

"That's true, it's just that it lets that little punk off easy," Wang Guanxi said, unwilling to let it go.

"It doesn't really matter, I've been fed up with playing with that cheap woman Xu Yan for a while now."

Li Wanshan shook his head and continued, "Besides, today is your wedding day, brother. If I were to catch a cheater here, it would affect your wedding, wouldn't it?"

"My wedding doesn't really matter, but indeed, Miss Xu of the Xu Family said she would be my witness today; if your Canary and her boy toy were to create a scene, it really wouldn't be good."

Wang Guanxi deliberately nodded in agreement.

"Brother, is Miss Xu really going to be your witness? And, Miss Xu said she'd recommend an exceptional young man to everyone today, could that person be you?" Li Wanshan asked.

"Almost, but before Miss Xu makes an official announcement, it's not right to talk about it," Wang Guanxi boasted mysteriously.

"Damn! So the rumors are true? Brother Wang, looks like you're going to strike it rich! The younger generation of River City will probably all look to you as their leader!"

Li Wanshan's eyes lit up as he eagerly buttered up Wang Guanxi.

The Xu Family was the number one family in River City, and they seldom regarded other families; although Li Wanshan was a real estate magnate, he had been wanting to get closer to the Xu Family without any way to do so.

If Wang Guanxi were to be favored by Miss Xu of the Xu Family, wouldn't that be a ready-made connection?

"Brother, what do you think about my Canary?"

Li Wanshan thought for a moment and then said.

"Both her figure and face are top-notch, I'm envious of Brother Li's good fortune!" Wang Guanxi expressed greedily.

"No need to be envious, brother, right after your wedding, I'll go capture her and strip her naked to give to you!" Li Wanshan said, ingratiatingly.

"This... this isn't appropriate, is it..." Wang Guanxi was instantly tempted.

"What's wrong with that? You're getting married, and as your older brother, I should give a gift! Consider that Canary my wedding present to you! Just speak well of me to the Xu Family later on... Let me tell you, the taste of that Canary in bed is really something else..." Li Wanshan lowered his voice, his laughter intimate with understanding.

While the two were chatting, Wang Guanxi glanced through the hall windows and saw Ning Fan and Xu Yourong in a corner of the lawn just outside, facing their direction from the side.

"Heh heh, thanks brother, I won't be shy about it. You don't need to bother catching that Canary, I'll do it myself. Before the wedding ceremony, I'll step out and enjoy the taste of your Canary," Wang Guanxi laughed perversely, excused himself from Li Wanshan's side, and called over one of his subordinates, discreetly pointing at Xu Yourong outside and giving a quiet order.

The subordinate immediately changed into a waiter's attire and carried a tray. On the tray were several glasses of wine spiked with a powerful imported drug, and he headed toward Ning Fan and Xu Yourong in the corner of the lawn.