Chapter 18: People fight for a breath of dignity; Buddha contends for a single stick of incense_1

"Miss Xu, there's something I'd like to discuss with you in advance. After today's wedding and banquet at noon, I'll return the ownership of Lake Heart Resort to you."

In the corner of the lawn, Ning Fan said to Xu Yourong.

"Oh? Is it because you don't like it?" Xu Yourong asked with a meaningful smile.

"It's not that."

Ning Fan shook his head, "Actually, the reason I accepted Lake Heart Resort yesterday was that Wang Guanxi and Pan Ting are getting married here today. I just wanted... to get my revenge on them during their wedding..."

"I see." Xu Yourong nodded.

"Miss Xu, you must find my behavior quite ridiculous, right?" Ning Fan said somewhat awkwardly.

However, Xu Yourong shook her head and seriously said, "No, I don't find it ridiculous at all. On the contrary, I fully support your revenge!"

"Ah? You don't think I'm being petty? You don't think I'm vengeful?" Ning Fan was taken aback.

"To repay kindness with kindness and grudges with revenge is only right and proper!"

"If someone bears a grudge and doesn't act on it, that's who I would look down upon!"

"People fight for their dignity, and even Buddha contends for an incense stick's worth of respect. A person who doesn't dare to pursue justice or avenge wrongs—that's truly boring!" Xu Yourong said with a smile.

"Miss Xu, do you really think so?"

Ning Fan suddenly felt moved.

Because he was understood.

"Of course, it's true!"

Xu Yourong nodded without hesitation, and then added, "By the way, you're going to be the center of attention later, so you can't be poorly dressed. I've picked out a suit for you and placed it in the guest room. Come, let me take you to try it on."

"Ah? I'm going to be the main character? What do you mean? I just want to stop their wedding, how am I the main character?" Ning Fan was puzzled.

"You'll know when the time comes."

With a mysterious smile, Xu Yourong pulled Ning Fan to go with her, but just then, one of Wang Guanxi's men, dressed as a waiter, came over with a tray.

Xu Yourong casually took two glasses of red wine from the tray, one for herself and one for Ning Fan.

"Here, Ning Fan, alcohol can bolster courage. Let's have a drink; it'll make you braver later on."

Xu Yourong's words carried a double meaning.

At the banquet later on, she was eager to see just how daring Ning Fan would be.

If Ning Fan had enough courage, she would give him a surprise; if not, she would be very disappointed.

Ning Fan didn't know what Xu Yourong had up her sleeve, but still, he drank the wine in one gulp.

Just as Xu Yourong was about to drink from her glass, Su Qingcheng suddenly came up from behind her and snatched the wine glass from her hand.

"Yourong, alcohol fortifies a coward's courage. It's Ning Fan who needs to be emboldened; you don't. Besides, you've only just recovered from a serious illness and can't drink alcohol. Let me drink it for you."

Having said that, Su Qingcheng tilted her head back and drained the glass of red wine.

Xu Yourong smiled helplessly, but she knew her best friend truly had her best interests at heart.

Next, Xu Yourong was about to take Ning Fan to change clothes in the resort's guest room, but Su Qingcheng pulled Xu Yourong to one side and whispered, "Yourong, I'm not very familiar with River City. There's something I need your help with, could you go to a place for me at the last minute..."

"Sure, I'll go right now. In return, could you do me a favor and take Ning Fan to the guest room to change clothes? I've prepared everything for him."

Xu Yourong didn't suspect anything, nodded, and turned to walk away.

"Let's go, I'll take you to get changed, and we can have a good talk on the way."

After Xu Yourong left, Su Qingcheng glanced at Ning Fan and started walking ahead.

Without much thought, Ning Fan followed her.

"Damn, why has there been a change? Where did that canary go?"

From the hall, Wang Guanxi, who had seen it all from a distance, was stunned and was about to chase after Xu Yourong, who left by herself.

"Darling, what are you doing?"

At that moment, Pan Ting, dressed in her wedding gown, returned, and Wang Guanxi reluctantly stopped in his tracks, thinking to himself: Forget it. After the wedding, I'll have time to savor that canary. Li Wanshan has already offered her to me, so she's not going anywhere!


Meanwhile, Su Qingcheng and Ning Fan arrived at one of the guest rooms in the resort.


Closing the room door, Su Qingcheng crossed her arms over her chest and scrutinized Ning Fan from head to toe with an inspecting gaze.

"You did that on purpose to get Miss Xu out of the way, didn't you?" Ning Fan wasn't foolish, he said with a frown.

"That's right, I thought that after I had your sister convey those words to you yesterday, you wouldn't come today. But it seems you didn't take any of it to heart."

Su Qingcheng's voice was ice-cold, lofty, filled with arrogance and disdain.

"Your words were nonsense, why would I take them to heart? Also, please don't bother my sister again in the future," Ning Fan said bluntly.

"Ha, Ning Fan, Ning Fan, aren't you satisfied even after acquiring the billion-dollar Lake Heart Resort?"

With scornful laughter, Su Qingcheng even trembled slightly because her anger couldn't be suppressed, and a flush of rage appeared on her stunning cheeks.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Miss Su, but I just told Miss Xu that after today's noon banquet, I would return Lake Heart Resort to her," Ning Fan replied coldly, anger also rising in his heart.

"What? You're going to return Lake Heart Resort to Yourong? It seems you really want to pursue Yourong?"

"I'm telling you, Ning Fan, you and Yourong are from two different worlds. What she can have effortlessly, is something you can't achieve even if you struggle for a lifetime!"

"You're not worthy to pursue Yourong, you're not even qualified to pursue her!"

"Your pursuit of Yourong is like a toad lusting after swan meat!"

"If you refuse to stay away from Yourong, then don't blame me for disregarding the affection between our two families' elders. I will peel off your disguise and expose your true face in front of Yourong, so that you won't get any benefits!"

Furious, Su Qingcheng's cheeks became even more flushed, her body burning hot, and her breathing heavy.

"Miss Su, you keep slandering me, but I want to ask you, what kind of disguise do I have to peel? What true face do I have to reveal?"

"You say I'm not worthy? Based on what?"

"Is it just because the Su Family is prosperous now, you think I'm unworthy because I have no money, no status, isn't that it?"

Ning Fan couldn't hold back anymore, yelling angrily.

Amidst his rage, he could feel a restlessness burning wildly deep in his heart, a flame of nameless fury rising fiercely!

Looking at Su Qingcheng's face in front of him, he almost wanted to push her down...

Damn it!

Ning Fan suddenly startled, finally realizing what was happening.

This wasn't mere anger. This was an effect of a spring poison!

He had been poisoned by a spring drug, affecting his emotions and mind!

When had he been poisoned?

How could he detoxify?

Ning Fan quickly searched through his inherited memories and soon found the method of detoxification—only by soaking in water, while channeling Spiritual Power into several key acupoints...

Ning Fan turned around, intending to run to the bathroom.

But unexpectedly, the next second, a pale jade hand had already seized him!

Turning his head, Ning Fan saw Su Qingcheng stumble and lose her balance, tumbling into his arms.

This woman, who had always been supremely aloof as an ice mountain, was now in Ning Fan's embrace, looking up at him with a flushed face, her breath as soft as orchids, panting softly, her eyes hazy...

Even her shoulder strap had slipped down... unknowingly.

Clearly, Su Qingcheng had also been affected by the spring poison, losing her rationale!

"Damn it! The poison needs to be neutralized immediately!"

Ning Fan felt parched and agitated, the drug's effect being incredibly potent. He forcibly suppressed his urges, picked Su Qingcheng up in his arms, quickly walked to the bathroom, laid her in the bathtub, and turned on the faucet to start running hot water.

"Ning Fan... you're putting me...


Su Qingcheng struggled to say something, but it turned into an unintelligible moan from deep in her throat, her body writhing like a fish...

This sound and movement were like a match that instantly ignited the fire Ning Fan was desperately trying to suppress.

Ning Fan's mind went 'boom,' and he lost his last bit of sanity in an instant.

'You think you're so high and mighty, Su Qingcheng? You wanted to peel off my disguise? You wanted to unmask my true face? You said I'm not worthy of you? Today, I will take you...'

In no time, Ning Fan tore off all the restraints on Su Qingcheng's body, revealing her exquisite figure fully before his eyes.

Ning Fan was completely lost, and he pounced forward...