Chapter 143 Trial of Bao Longfei_1

"No, no, no, don't kill me... Ning Fan, I beg you, don't kill me... Whine..."

Wang Guanxi, who had been supporting himself with his hands and moving backwards, didn't dare make a single rash move anymore, only daring to wail and beg for mercy.

"Let's go, we're going to find Bao Longfei."

Ning Fan picked up Wang Guanxi in one hand, threw him into the passenger seat of the dump truck, then jumped into the vehicle, and drove the dump truck toward Bao Longfei's home.

"How... How is this possible... How dare Ning Fan kill someone... How can he dare..."

Watching the dump truck drive away, Pan Ting stood there with a dazed expression.

Ever since she kicked Ning Fan out more than a week ago, her memory of him had always remained in the past; she simply couldn't accept the tremendous change in Ning Fan!

Just over a week ago, Ning Fan was clearly a fool, an idiot, waste, trash, a bootlicker!