Chapter 144 Plotting a Murder? Correct Guess_1

"I didn't, I really didn't harm Miss Xu!" Bao Longfei insisted strenuously.

"I'm not satisfied with that answer."

Ning Fan said indifferently and slightly loosened his grip on Bao Longfei's collar.

"Ning Fan, you, don't..."

Bao Longfei's heart sank at that moment, and he screamed in terror.

Before Bao Longfei could finish his sentence, Ning Fan's hand let go completely.


Bao Longfei suddenly fell from the third-floor window!


Bao Longfei's screams of terror stretched long, followed by an extremely dull thud of a heavy object hitting the ground.

Ning Fan, just like how he'd thrown those bodyguards before him, had now thrown Bao Longfei straight down from the third floor!

"Damn it! You dare throw the young master out of the third floor!"

"You, you, you outrageous madman! How dare you!!!"

The bodyguards who had been thrown down earlier had not died from the fall, and they yelled furiously at the third-floor window.