Chapter 244 Yuan Huaiyi and Yuan Yonglin_1

The young woman and others hurried forward, attempting to stop Elder Yuan.

How could someone of Elder Yuan's status bow and bend the knee to others?

"Don't worry about me! This young man saved my life, any form of gratitude I show him is well deserved."

Elder Yuan barked an order, halting the young woman and the others, and then began to bow to Ning Fan.

"Elder Yuan, please, there's no need for such formalities."

Ning Fan said impassively, a wave of invisible force emanated from him, securely holding up Elder Yuan's body just as he was about to bend, preventing him from bowing no matter how hard he tried.

Elder Yuan had no choice but to straighten up, looking at Ning Fan with a bit of surprise, then said, "Young man, I'll express my thanks in another way. My name is Yuan Huaiyi, and this is my granddaughter, Yuan Yonglin. In the provincial city here, I have some influence. If you have any difficulties or needs, you're welcome to let me know."