Chapter 245: Xu Yourong Does Not Get Jealous_1

Ning Fan hurriedly introduced Xu Yourong:

"Miss Xu, this is the property consultant here, and also my middle school classmate, her name is Yu Lu."

"Yu Lu, this is my girlfriend, Xu Yourong."

Seeming to notice Xu Yourong's gaze, Yu Lu also hastened to say, "Hello, Miss Xu, I am Ning Fan's middle school classmate. He came here to buy a house, and we just happened to meet each other."

"Is that so? Well, with an acquaintance like you here, I'm relieved. Ning Fan won't get ripped off," Xu Yourong said with a smile.

After chatting briefly with Ning Fan, she hung up the phone.

"Ning Fan, your girlfriend is so pretty! She won't get jealous, will she?" Yu Lu asked with some concern.

"Jealous? I don't think so," Ning Fan shook his head. In his memory, Xu Yourong doesn't seem to have ever been jealous.

Even when he had several misunderstandings with Su Qingcheng, Xu Yourong always chose to trust him.