Chapter 284 Who is Ning Fan?_1


Zhao Xingyan was hit squarely, instantly tumbling into a ball with Fei Liang, both covered in blood.


Zhao Xingyan screamed in terror and pushed Fei Liang away with a backhand shove.

"Young Master!"

"Protect the Young Master!"

Several members of the Martial Alliance turned pale with fright and rushed forward, shielding Fei Liang behind them.

"You wretched thing, how dare you injure the Young Master like this, the Martial Alliance will never let you off!" a member roared at Ning Fan with fierce vehemence.

Ning Fan swept him with a cold glance, the diffuse killing intent freezing the member stiff on the spot.

"Move aside, don't block the way."

As Ning Fan brushed past him, the member did not dare to move an inch.

Zhao Xingyan, seeing Ning Fan approaching her, was filled with utter panic, pushing back with her hands against the ground, retreating continuously.

"Please, don't kill me... I realize my mistake now, I swear I won't bother you again!"