Chapter 285 Elder Chang has Already been Killed by Me_1

Yin Xiaoye's eyes were full of confusion. He clearly remembered that Elder Chang had gone to River City to kill this Ning Fan… so how could Ning Fan still appear here?

And since Elder Chang hadn't shown up until now, could it be that he was still searching for this boy's whereabouts?

With this thought, Yin Xiaoye sneered and asked, "Boy, you are that Ning Fan from River City, aren't you?"

"That's me. Do you have a problem with that?" Ning Fan replied.

"Of course, I'm very curious. How did you escape from Elder Chang's grasp?" Yin Xiaoye asked full of interest.

"You're talking about Chang Guishou, right?"

Ning Fan answered with a cold laugh, filled with sarcasm, "Your Elder Chang has already been killed by me."

"Killed by you?" Yin Xiaoye laughed as if he had heard some kind of joke, "Boy, Elder Chang is a Second Rank Grandmaster. How could you possibly kill him? You must have used some trick to escape from Elder Chang, you fool!"