Chapter 299: The Fall of Sky Eagle Hall_1

Yin Wanqi's face was livid as he stared at the mutilated corpses of three Elders, and after a long while, a sinister smile suddenly curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Kid, your strength has indeed surprised me, the Hall Master; even three Elders are no match for you!"

"But I am a Third-Grade Grandmaster, and from your recent performance, at best, you're at the peak of the Second Rank Grandmasters!"

"With so many powerful fighters attacking you, by now your elixir strength must be exhausted, right?"

It turned out that the reason Yin Wanqi had not made a move earlier was to let these strong fighters wear down Ning Fan.

Once Ning Fan was at the end of his rope, Yin Wanqi intended to kill him with his own hands!

"Kid, it isn't me who should be considering his ways to die, but you!"

Ning Fan let out a cold laugh, "If you want to kill me, then come and try!"
