Chapter 300: Go to Find the Headquarters of Divine Tune Sect_1

"Ning, Ning Fan... you, you've killed them all?!"

Liu Quanguan looked back at Ning Fan behind him, his voice filled with panic, as he trembled and shifted his feet, trying to flee.

Yet, Ning Fan had no intention of killing him; instead, he narrowed his eyes and tossed an elixir from his robes to Liu Quanguan.

"This is a healing elixir. Eat it."

Although Liu Quanguan feared it was poison, under Ning Fan's intimidation, he could only obediently swallow the elixir.

Immediately, the medicinal power dispersed, and in the blink of an eye, his wounds were healed.

Liu Quanguan was overwhelmed with amazement, "Such a miraculous elixir! To think it could heal injuries so quickly!"

"The elixir isn't free. I have a task for you," Ning Fan raised his eyebrows, "Now that Sky Eagle Hall has been annihilated, you have nowhere to go, so go find the headquarters of the Divine Tune Sect."

Liu Quanguan's body shuddered; he knew Ning Fan wanted him to lead the way once again.