Chapter 357: Loyal to Ning Fan, Never Betray!_1

Yu Lu glanced at everyone and said, "Please, take your seats."

The audience took their seats one after another, looking reserved and cautious, occasionally casting discreet glances at Yu Lu at the head of the table.

Yu Lu felt a surreal sensation in her heart as she observed their overly cautious attitude.

Just a few days ago, she had been a simple salesgirl, but now she had become the president of Tianling Biology's branch in Shen City.

To describe her transformation as a carp leaping through the Dragon Gate was truly no exaggeration.

"It feels like a dream..."

Yu Lu was well aware that her ability to sit in this position today had nothing to do with her personal ability.

It was merely because of her past school relationship with Ning Fan and a fortuitous opportunity that had led to her current status.

She took a deep breath and slowly began, "I'm delighted to work with all of you, but before we officially start the meeting, I have an important announcement to make!"