Chapter 356 I am willing... to confess for a lifetime_1

A familiar voice rang out above her head, and Shen Bingying froze in surprise before hastily looking up.

There stood a tall, young man in the sunlight, a faint golden outline tracing around him, his handsome features blurred in the play of light and shadow.

Shen Bingying's pupils contracted sharply as if she had seen the arrival of her savior.

Her red lips trembled slightly, she muttered in disbelief, "Ning, Ning Fan..."

Ning Fan stood with his hands behind his back, looking at her with a calm gaze.

"I ask you, do you want to take back everything from the past and become the goddess of Shen City again?"

Upon hearing that familiar voice, Shen Bingying could no longer hold back, and tears streamed down her face as she burst into painful sobs.

"Wuuu... I want to, I want to, I do! I don't want to live a life like this anymore, starving and freezing every day, only able to pick up trash to survive..."